If you are interested in trending travel news, you already know that there are a great number of sources and channels to read international travel news. However, when you decide to travel to a country or start a partnership with a company, it would be a great idea to read the travel and tourism industry news from a local channel.

You may have heard about Iran in daily news, mostly covering the tensions between Iran and the US. Despite what you hear in the international news about Iran, this page tries to offer a true image of Iran as a lovely and safe destination with wonderful beauties for travelers of various tastes.

If you have a call for traveling to Iran, you should know that great adventures and authentic experiences are waiting for you here. Follow the latest Iran tourism news in Iran before your trip.
We also cover our company’s latest news, and stories about our achievements, challenges and events in this section.

Isfahan - Iran

Isfahan among the 52 popular travel spots in 2021

New York Times has recently published a post on 52 popular spots chosen by people in 2020. Since 2020 was a dark year for many people around the world, NYTimes has surveyed which destinations were most delightful, comforting, and inspiring most to travelers and honorably Isfahan is among the 52 suggestions out of 2000 choices […]

Coronavirus in Iran

Coronavirus in Iran: How kids are dealing with the situation?

Coronavirus in Iran has drastically changed our lifestyle for the past year just like many people around the world, we have experienced less hanging around, less traveling and adventure, and fewer fun times. And we should not ignore the fact that all these, have been much more boring for kids rather than the adults. We […]

live tours - Iran Doostan

Iran Doostan turns to live tours during the COVID-19 pandemic

2020 has been a completely different year so far, we have had experienced a tough time of isolation and staying at home, travelers and adventurers had rarely been able to travel and many tour operators have faced a recession. As a pioneer tour operator that has been involved in incoming tours to Iran and providing […]

Mohammad Reza Shajarian

A farewell to the legendary singer and composer of Iran: Mohammad Reza Shajarian

Mohammad Reza Shajarian’s name and contemporary Iranian music are so intertwined that many consider him as the most distinguished and influential character of the past century in Iranian music. His voice was recognized as part of the country’s Intangible Cultural Heritage by the Ministry of Tourism of Iran. He passed away on Oct. 8 at […]

Mohamadali ashraf vaghefi

Coronavirus and the threats to the future of tourism in Iran

Mohammad Ali Vaghefi, the vice president of the Iranian Tour Operators Association had an online interview with Marketing and Advertising Manager at the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts discussing the state of domestic and international tourism in Iran. He admitted that 90% of the 2020 incoming tours to Iran have been canceled So […]

solar eclipse

solar eclipse 2020 in Iran – See the photos; how it looked like

Today, on June 21, 2020, Iran observed an annual solar eclipse starting at 9:05 and finished at 11:37 in the morning. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, and the moon casts a shadow over Earth which fully or partially blocks sunlight. In a total eclipse, the disk of the […]

green tourism

Irandoostan align with sustainable tourism

Tourism always has both positive and negative impacts on the environment and target communities. The development of tourism, without managing its effects, can harm the environment, culture, and the host community. The development of sustainable tourism, by managing the effects of tourism on the environment, the economy, and the destination community, preserves the resources of […]

Parvizkhan border

How is Coronavirus affecting social life in Iran?

On account of the COVID-19 outbreak, the Iran borders have been interdicted free movements as a push to distance the country from the Pandemic since February 2020. Last week some Iranian authorities have announced the reopening of Iran’s border and the arrival of export cargo to its neighbors, and that some of the restrictions can […]


Coronavirus and travel industry: Iran Doostan story

The travel industry is experiencing the hardest hit by the unexpected wave of COVID-19 outbreak. We are all facing a situation that was quite unimaginable some weeks ago, but rarely people ask how about the future? What will the travel industry look like after the coronavirus? Iran Doostan Tours Co.: The best tour operator in […]

Hospitality tomorrow

Hospitality Tomorrow: The virtual Conference on the future of Hospitality

As many as 5000 hospitality professionals participated in the virtual conference called “Hospitality Tomorrow” yesterday on 7 March to unite as “one” community encountering the devastating impact of COVID-19 on the global economy and society. Although assessing the impacts of the pandemic on the hospitality industry is not certain right now, the tourism and hospitality […]

WTTC updates on coronavirus

WTTC Coronavirus Brief External 25.03

We expect your world is really tough right now, so, we find proactive sharing of information quite beneficial in this situation. Through this post, we would like to publish a brief document shared by the World Travel and Tourism Council with governments across the globe advocating supporting all impacted businesses in the Travel and Tourism […]

Travel Risk Map 2020

Travel Risk Map 2020: Iran is a safe destination to travel

Have a call for traveling to Iran in 2020 and feel uncertain? Well, if you are looking for some clue, 2020 Travel Risk Map seems a reliable source. According to International SOS, Iran is a safe destination, just as safe as Turkey with a record of more than 39.5 million foreign visitors in 2018! Launched […]