The emergence of mass tourism caused many negative effects on the planet Earth and raised many concerns. This was how the concept of sustainable travel came into existence. As the public awareness raised about the issue, many travelers and tourism companies and travel agencies volunteered to play a role in sustainable tourism; and in less than a decade, the sustainable travel trend grew.
Sustainable travel is not an option anymore, it is considered as the only alternative to save the planet.
Today, there are many sustainable travel agencies around the world that align with sustainability principles and there are many travelers and responsible tourists who care about Sustainable travel.
According to UNWTO, sustainable travel embraces three aspects: environment, social, and economy of tourism destinations.
The environmental aspect focuses on the conservation of landscape features, natural areas, habitats, plants, and wildlife by minimizing the negative effects such as air, water, and soil pollution and also controlling waste production by the tourists.
The social aspect highlights the development of quality of life in local communities, respecting the local culture, and all tangible and intangible heritage ranging from their traditions to music, food and etc.
An economic dimension emphasizes the economic prosperity of local people and businesses.
As a part of our corporate social responsibility, we are honored to state that Iran Doostan Tours Co. is a sustainable travel agency in Iran making efforts toward sustainability goals. We support the local economy by developing eco-camps, hiring local people to host our dear tourists to offer them the authentic experience of the local culture, and also to guarantee the maintenance of host society and environment.
We are also proud that our adventure tours, particularly those of climbing and hiking are actively engaged in volunteer nature cleaning. In each ascent to Damavand, a number of rental mules are allocated to return the waste.
If you plan to visit the ancient land of Persia and you care about sustainability do not hesitate to contact us right today via We are among the few sustainable tour operators in Iran and would be more than happy to make your best memory of Iran.


Irandoostan tour and Travelife Sustainability System

Irandoostan Tour (IDT) is engaged with the Travelife certification program and it has started the process to work step by step towards complying with its international sustainability standards. Travelife is a fair and affordable system that helps tour operators and travel agencies, accommodations, and destinations to manage and improve social and environmental impacts by complying with sustainability criteria.
The Travelife initiative is based on the central role of tour operators and travel agents in internal management as well as the tourism supply chain. This initiative allows the Irandoostan tour to contribute significantly to sustainable development and environmental and cultural protection while operating.
Travelife is a three-stage certification program for tour operators and travel agents:

  1. Travelife Engaged;
  2. Travelife Partner;
  3. Travelife Certified.

As the best tour operator in Iran IDT is at stage 1 – Travelife Engaged. IDT is working to move forward to stage 2 – Travelife Partner. With Travelife Stage 2 -Travelife Partner award IDT will be able to communicate its commitment to sustainability to its clients and other partners.
After compliance, IDT will receive Travelife Certified status as proof of internationally recognized high sustainability performance and excellence that comply with ISO 14001 and EMAS III standards. The performance requirements include the full set of ISO 26000 and OECD Corporate Social Responsibility guidelines which include labor conditions, human rights, environment, biodiversity, and fair business practices.

Are you planning to travel to Iran? Check out our Iran tours.


Waste Separation at Source: The first step to go green

Have you ever wondered what will happen to the unseparated wastes? Can it be recycled? Well, the very sad answer is; No! Contaminated waste, paper, or plastic bottles that are smeared by food leftovers or other unsorted waste will cost more to be processed and recycled. So, in many cases, the contamination will not allow the plastic and paper to be recycled and they will, unfortunately, end up in a landfill. Waste separation at source is the key factor to avoid such contamination and maximize the recovery of useful waste. Read more

green tourism

Irandoostan align with sustainable tourism

Tourism always has both positive and negative impacts on the environment and target communities. The development of tourism, without managing its effects, can harm the environment, culture, and the host community. The development of sustainable tourism, by managing the effects of tourism on the environment, the economy, and the destination community, preserves the resources of the destination and even promotes them. Today, with the increasing number of tourists around the world and with the aim of preserving, and protecting the environment, social structures, cultures, and customs, the new concept of “sustainable tourism” has attracted the attention of many. Along with global activities, Irandoostan company is also taking steps towards sustainable tourism.

What activities does Iran Doostan do to reach the purpose of sustainable tourism?

In general, the main and long-term goals of Iran Doostan, in line with sustainable tourism include tourism efficient & eco-friendly waste disposal, maintaining the environment, and minimizing the environmental damages. It is worth mentioning that this company has done good environmental activities in this direction so far. Here are some of these activities:

  • Cooperating with sustainable lodges

With all respect for those who prefer a neat stay in many star hotels, the process of hotel buildings can be harmful to nature and also the local culture. Ecolodges, on the other hand, use eco-friendly materials and methods to be built and relive the ritual and cultural heritage helping the destination society to remain for the future. Iran Doostan group supports these green ecolodges and eco-camps to offer the guests experience of the local culture and also guaranteeing the maintenance of the host society and environment. Let’s review how does it help to save our planet:

1-Using less Disposable utensils other plastic packaging materials to avoid producing garbage

2-Preserving the culture and tradition of the local community

3_contributing in the conservation of local ecosystems

  • The volunteer nature cleaning

It’s 2020 and so many people know the real value of a healthy environment, but there are also some people still leaving their trash by purpose or even inadvertently in nature.  The various climbing and hiking groups in Iran clean the nature of garbage sometimes in turn and sometimes individually and voluntarily. Iran Doostan group is definitely one of those. In every ascent and any other activities by our responsibility the team takes any piece of garbage on the ground and brings that back to the living area well-packed. In each ascent to Damavand, a number of rental mules are allocated to return the waste.

  1. People with the purpose of reaching the peak, preserve the mountain environment themselves.
  2. The old Shelter, with the same environmental protection activities, has been emptied of garbage and has been renovated to a sustainable residence.
green tourism in iran

The volunteering activities for cleaning nature saves the planet.

  • Helping the economy of host societies

Taking trash from nature might be an easy task for hikers, but carrying all those packages requires renting the mules and also asking for villagers’ help. This behavior not only promotes the community but also creates jobs for the villagers and increases the income amount for the local community.

Besides all the above, the Irandoostan group is paying for the hiking permits between 30-50 dollars per person which is used as the budget for the renovation of huts and shelters, and also for carrying the garbage to the right place. It should be noted that most of these activities have been carried out during the ascent season, and at the end of each season, Irandoostan Company will conduct a final review of the activities related to this issue.

Are you planning to travel to Iran? Check out our Iran tours.