If you are interested in trending travel news, you already know that there are a great number of sources and channels to read international travel news. However, when you decide to travel to a country or start a partnership with a company, it would be a great idea to read the travel and tourism industry news from a local channel.

You may have heard about Iran in daily news, mostly covering the tensions between Iran and the US. Despite what you hear in the international news about Iran, this page tries to offer a true image of Iran as a lovely and safe destination with wonderful beauties for travelers of various tastes.

If you have a call for traveling to Iran, you should know that great adventures and authentic experiences are waiting for you here. Follow the latest Iran tourism news in Iran before your trip.
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Christmas in Iran

Christmas in Iran: How Do Iranians Celebrate Christmas?

With the arrival of the joyful Christmas season, Iranian Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ in the same way. What is Christmas like in Iran? Iran is where the Three Wise men are believed to have lived when Jesus was born. Today Iranian Christians start the “Little Fast” in December, during which they abstain […]


Which Countries Celebrate Nowruz?

Nowruz is the first day of spring and the beginning of the new year in a huge geographical area including the Black Sea region, central and western Asia. Persian New Year was originally determined by astronomical calculations and it marks March 21. In 2009 this amazing cultural ritual was registered on the list of the […]