Hotel Reservation in Iran
If you are trying to book a hotel in Iran, you are at the right place. We can help you to book the hotel room that you like. There’s a variety of accommodations for you to choose for your stay in Iran and you can choose the one that fits your expectations the best. There are normal hotels categorized based on the star system, Tourists’ Inns (similar to hotels, but not within the star system), and traditional houses and monuments. You will choose any of them that you like and we will book them for you in all cities of Iran such as Tehran, Shiraz, Isfahan, Yazd, Tabriz, Mashhad, Kish, Ahwaz, Kashan, Bushehr, and other places.
You can choose from a wide range of prices and amenities among hotels and hostels in Iran, from guest houses and traditional houses to 1-5 star hotels and hostels. Renting a house or a home is not encouraged in Iran.
Before Booking Your Iran Hotel:
Since 2014, the number of tourists visiting Iran has increased, which has made the booking procedures of hotels a little challenging. During the high season, the best hotels are booked months in advance. Due to the limited number of rooms, which is not increasing at the same rate as the count of tourists, be sure to check and book as soon as your schedule is decided. You can apply for hotels, and our team can apply for your Iran visa if you need to.
Since reservations are made manually in Iran, mistakes can happen. Even if you see an online booking option on a website, the reservations are still traditionally made through operators. Our recommendation to you for the best prices is to book your Iran hotels, visa, and other required services for your trip through a trustworthy travel agency. This is the best way of guaranteeing the lowest costs for your Iran tour. So please do book your Iran hotels through a trusted agency.
At Iran Doostan, we always confirm reservations and have documentation. We can promise you that due to our 24-hour accessibility, we can always fix any problems related to hotels, or just book another hotel for our guests in the shortest time.
Iran Doostan Tours has more than three decades experience of working with Iranian hotels, tourist preferences, convenience, and costs. We recommend the best options to our clients. We can help you after you fill out the Hotel Info Form. For other general inquiries, please contact us at