The long history and the vast area of Iran have led to amazingly variant climatic conditions, cultural attractions, and natural landscapes. That is why Iran is famous as a destination for all four seasons, a land that offers loads of opportunities for all nature and adventure lovers who dream of various thrilling experiences such as climbing, canyoning, skiing, marine activities, and safari.

What is famous in Iran? Well, the best of Iran includes 24 UNESCO Cultural Heritage Sites and two UNESCO Natural Site as well as 13 Intangible Cultural Heritage registered on UNESCO and many more registered on Iran National Heritage List, that has made this country resemble like a live museum for all avid culture lovers, too. And surprisingly there are still more places you can visit!

Iran’s top attractions appeal to many international tourists from all around the world. Most itineraries offer 7 days to a 14-day tour to Iran, and yet they miss many tourist attractions in Iran! As long as you stay here, there is no shortage of Iran tourist attractions and there are places worth visiting.

If you have decided to visit historical places in Iran or Iran’s fascinating sceneries you can trust Iran Doostan Tours Co. We have a good three decades of experience in operating incoming tours to Iran and our professional experts would offer you the best Iran tourist map with reliable itineraries and high-quality services. Regarding a great deal of Iran attractions, we offer a diversity of package tours to Iran ranging from exciting adventure tours such as climbing and bird watching to awesome cultural tours to world heritage sites. MICE tours, safari tours, religious tours, and medical tours to Iran is also among the variety of services we offer.

All you have to do is to get in touch with us through


Adventure tours to Iran

Adventure Tours to Iran

Over 30 years of experience providing some of the best adventure tours to Iran and planning the best qualified itineraries has made Iran Doostan Tours the expert leading tour operator in the country. Whatever you desire, whether it’s skiing, trekking, climbing, biking, canyoning, bird watching or meeting nomads, we provide you. It’s your willingness to present yourself in the wilderness and to live inside a moment of adventure that creates the exotic nature experience that gives your life expectations. Just bring your spirit of adventure and our professional guides will take care of the rest.

Take nothing but pictures, Leave nothing but footprints, Kill nothing but time.

Green Carbon Free Foot Print

Mountain Biking

We provide some of the most amazing singles to multi-day mountain biking in Iran and combinational multi-activity guided tours both on and off the road. We have a wide range of routes and trails available to supply for any ability. The routes are available in forests, deserts, hillsides, and mountain trails.

While you pass through the scenic slopes of Alborz and Zagros mountains the nomad people welcome you with their traditional lifestyle and along your quiet green ride through desert and forest, you will enjoy nature and feel the extra love that mother earth sends to bikers. We supply top-range bikes and safety equipment to all of our customers.

Alborz and Zagros mountain biking, Iran

Trekking & Hiking

Iran’s mountains offer a great variety of scenery in the rocky gorges with sheer cliffs, valleys with rich orchards, alpine pastures covered with wildflowers, snow-capped summits, and lush forests. We provide affordable and sustainable Trekking and Hiking tours across the mountain ranges of Iran that are beneficial to locals based on ecotourism principles.

Meeting nomads and hospitable people to explore their customs and traditions inspires you to go after your dreams and expand the horizons of your soul.

Don’t watch your head, Watch your soul!

Adventure Tours to Iran - Trekking

Iran Doostan provides you affordable and sustainable Trekking and Hiking tours across the mountain ranges of Iran.

Adrenaline Adventures


From northern forests to the central and west mountains of Iran there are great canyons with or without water flow. We provide fully guided canyoning tours to Iran on all levels that make your adrenaline rush. Whether you are an experienced canyoner or not, our guides will support you entire the canyon route. All tours include canyoning equipment and gears.

Water Adventures

The Persian Gulf in the South, the Caspian Sea in the North, and wild rivers in Alborz and Zagros mountains are great places for water adventures in Iran.
The wide range of our water adventure tours includes Whitewater rafting, Kayaking, River trekking, Scuba diving, Snorkeling, and Water skiing. Our rafting tours are guided by world-class whitewater guides and supported by safety kayaks.

Caving & Spelunking

There are more than a hundred caves fully explored and to be explored that make us provide incredible guided caving tours in Iran. Half-day to multi-day tours are available with various levels from easy to advanced technical caving also for pitch dark crawlers and spirits who enjoy cave expeditions and spelunking there are many unexplored routes in new-found caves.
We provide safety, protection, and support gears. Our expert-trained guides will teach you techniques if you are eager for the underground world.

Alisadr water cave, Iran

Alisadr water cave, Iran

Wildlife Watching & Photography

Iran is a country with four seasons with special biodiversity due to climatic conditions and a vast central desert surrounded by high-altitude mountains. We offer guided tours to watch wildlife and visit the natural scenic beauties of protected areas including National parks and Wildlife refuges.

The wide range of our wildlife services includes Birdwatching, Butterfly watching, Desert wildlife, and special expert-guided tours exclusively designed for researchers and scientists.

Our wildlife photography tours are managed by experienced wildlife photographers to achieve the targets with a high success factor.


Iran UNESCO World Heritage Sites (list, photos, video)

If you are also a fan of places that have recorded their names in history, come on board! As a country with numerous world heritage sites, Iran is one of the top countries in the world. Moreover, Iran is home to 26 UNESCO World Heritage sites. The Hyrcanian forests and the Lut Desert are two of Iran’s Natural UNESCO world heritages. In addition to these sites, there are other historical sites in Iran from different periods. United Nations Cultural Organization registered Carvenserais as a World Cultural Heritage in 2023, and on July 27, 2024, Ecbatana was officially added to the World Heritage List by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, which made the number of Iran’s world cultural heritages reach 28. Here we will introduce you to ALL of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Iran.

Northern region


As one of the best sites in Iran, Soltaniyeh stands proud with its stunning turquoise-blue dome and octagonal architecture. In the 14th century, Soltaniyeh was the capital of the Ilkhanid dynasty in Zanjan province. This beautiful monument has exquisite architecture inside and outside and mesmerizes you with its huge size and gorgeous detailed decorations. Turquoise-blue tiles cover the exterior of the dome, making it appear huge and imposing. The dome is surrounded by eight slender minarets, but their function is unknown.

Golestan Palace

A fine example of Qajar architecture and Persian crafts, the Golestan Palace displays a successful fusion of Western influences. A precious gem in the heart of Tehran, it houses memories from the Safavid era through the Pahlavi era. Golestan Palace in Tehran is one of the most spectacular places you will visit during your travel to Iran. Besides Golestan Palace, you can also pay a visit to a nearby Zoorkhaneh, where a Pahlavani ritual takes place. Inscribed as a Pahlevani ritual by UNESCO, the ritual has been practiced for a long time.

Golestan Palace UNESCO

Golestan Palace in Tehran is one of the most spectacular places you will visit on your travel to Iran.

Persian Garden

The Persian garden, in many ways, resembles paradise on Earth. The general pattern of a Persian garden (Bostan) is a rectangular form consisting of four quarters abundant in trees and flowers. Persian gardens feature streams and pathways, ponds and fountains, usually a central pavilion, and the walls surrounding the garden. The Persian gardens are so remarkable that nine out of a wide variety are listed on the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Iranian gardens can be found in many cities throughout the country, such as the Fin Garden of Kashan, the Eram Garden of Shiraz, and so forth.

Rasht, City of Gastronomy

You can get easily get confused in choosing food while going to the good local restaurants in Rasht. There is a variety of local dish each has its unique taste. This variety of foods listed Rasht as a city of Gastronomy by UNESCO in 2015. One of the reasons for this decision is the creative combination of local and seasonal food with the local culture of the region. Rasht cuisine has been passed down from generation to generation not only in old recipes but also in cooking methods and the proper use of utensils. Therefore, in Rasht, as a creative city, we are faced with a unique food culture. Membership in the creative cities network makes a potential link between tourism, economic development, and gastronomy for Rasht.

North-Western Iran

Historic Bazaar of Tabriz

This famous historic bazaar is in the capital of East Azerbaijan province in Iran. It is the hugest lidded bazaar in the world. This site dates back almost one millennium ago. Also, during the 14th century, it thrived because of being on the Silk Road. During the Safavid dynasty, Tabriz became the capital of Iran, thus the market was the center point for trading and exportations. Jameh Mosque of Tabriz is on the western side of this complex. The Islamic architecture of this monumental bazaar makes the place very special for tourists. It has decorated arched roofs made of red bricks and clay with hallways full of stores selling traditional items and pastries of the Middle East.


Tabriz bazaar is not only a shopping center but also an architectural masterpiece.

Solomon Takht

Many believe this UNESCO world heritage in Iran was the birthplace of Zoroaster (an ancient Persian Prophet). Takht-e Soleyman is a mystical historical Iranian treasure and has played different roles throughout history. It used to be one of the most important religious centers during the Sassanid Empire. Further, there is a mysterious lake near the throne that has confounded experts for many years. This large lake is rumored to contain an ancient treasure that has been inaccessible for thousands of years.

Sheikh Safi al-Din Tomb

There are many parts to this complex, including the tombs of Sheikh Safi al-Din, the founder and leader of the Safavid order. The Safavid order was the base of Safavid rule during the 7th century. Also, Shah Ismail’s tomb, the first king of the Safavid dynasty, lies in this complex. A total of four yards make up the Sheikh Safi al-Din Khanegah and Shrine Ensemble: the garden yard (which is the largest), the big yard around which all of the main buildings are located, the small yard in between the big yard and garden yard, and the south yard.

Armenian Monastic

Armenian Monastic Ensembles consists of three Armenian churches, St. Thaddeus monastery and the Chapel of Dzordzor in West Azerbaijan and the St. Stepanos monastery in East Azerbaijan province. Different historical and natural incidents, such as wars and earthquakes, have affected these three monasteries. The churches have beautiful and eye-catching architecture and are famous among Iranian churches with unique features.

Armenian Monastic UNESCO

The second most important Armenian church in Iran

North-Eastern Iran

Hyrcanian Forest

Starting with the natural world heritage site of Iran, the Hyrcanian forest remained from Cenozoic geology and the Ice Age due to the northern temperate weather in the region. The Hyrcanian forests have been extended in some parts of five provinces, including Semnan, North Khorasan, Mazandaran, Golestan, and Gilan. These ancient broad-leaved forests date back around 25 to 50 million years ago and have survived the last stage of the ice age on Earth. Caspian shores are warm and humid, helping these plantations to survive. Many Persian tribes live in this region for its pleasant climate, among which are Turkmen who can make fascinating Turkmen-style needlework art, inscribed in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2022.

Trans-Iranian Railway

The Trans-Iranian railway recently has been inscribed in UNESCO as a long route connecting the Caspian Sea in the north to the Persian Gulf and the Oman Sea in the south of Iran. This is Iran’s first industrial heritage that has been recognized for its “outstanding universal value”. There is much more to the importance of the Iranian railway than connecting north and south in this vast country! It is considered a turning point in Iran’s history since its construction is regarded as the start of modernism and development in Iran during the past century.

Gonbad-e Qabus

You can find one of the tallest brick towers in the World in Golestan Province. Gonbad-e Qabus is an ancient monument that is one of the UNESCO world heritage sites. Passing through the silk road, this tower served as a sign so people could find their way. When visiting Iran, make sure to visit the Qabus dome and its amazing features. Another outstanding feature of Gonbad-e Qabus is its Kufic calligraphy around the structure. On your tour in Iran, you will see Kufic features in other structures, as well as, such as mosques.

UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Even though this architectural masterpiece is a tower, the name Gonbad-e Qabus means the dome of Qabus.

Central Iran

Isfahan Imam Square

Naghshe Jahan Square, also known as Imam Square, is a magnificent square filled with wonders and archeological masterpieces dating back to the Safavid Era. In this UNESCO World Heritage Site, there are great attractions around every corner, and there is a wide variety of shops offering the handicrafts and art of Isfahan. Isfahan is also famous for its art of Persian miniature and Persian carpet weaving which is inscribed in UNESCO as well. The silk carpet is among the high-quality handicrafts. UNESCO has inscribed Sericulture and traditional production of silk for weaving on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2022.

Isfahan Jameh Mosque

Jameh Mosque of Isfahan is one of the most outstanding works of architecture in Iran and one of the attractions of Isfahan. Since its different parts were built and repaired in different historical periods, the present collection is like a massive museum, representing the process of transformation and evolution of Iranian architecture in the Islamic period. The architecture of the mosque is a mixture of all Persian architectural arts. You will see Persian architectural beauty at every turn. There is a whole world of art inside the mosque when you take a closer look.

Yazd Meymand Village

Meymand troglodyte village is one of the few remained hand-dug rocky villages, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Kerman province, Iran. Meymand is also known as a Cultural Landscape that is a combination of men’s work and nature. The rocky texture of the village made it possible for families to live in cave-like houses for hundreds of years. One of the facts that make the cultural landscape of Meymand different from other villages is the villagers who still live in the caves.

Iran unesco heritage sites

Meymand and its hand-carved caves will take you to the days Iranians were worshipers of Mithra and mountains were sacred to them.



Having been the capital of Iran during Elamite, Susa embraces several architectural masterpieces that are quite eye-catching to every visitor. Chogha Zanbil Ziggurat is the greatest Ziggurat in the world and is a well-representative of Elamite art and architecture. This great construction has been registered on the UNESCO World Heritage List and attracts many tourists from around the world every year. Susa’s ancient ruins are considered one of the most important sites in Iran. Shush, today a UNESCO-designated city, once belonged to the Elamite, Persian, and Parthian empires.


Ecbatana, also known as Hegmataneh, is an ancient city located in western Iran. Ecbatana was inscribed on the Iran National Heritage List in 1310 SH, and in July 2024, it was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List, recognizing its cultural and historical significance.

Persian Qanat

Living in areas with no river is only possible if the water is transferred to the region in an inexpensive and uncomplicated way. The invention of Qanat was a brilliant solution to this matter. Qanat was born three millenniums ago in the deserts of Iran as the most effective technique for the best adaptation to arid areas. Qanats are tunnel systems that carry water from higher elevations to flatlands. The system consists of a series of vertical wells by a gentle slope connected to a horizontal duct. The creation of Qanat goes back to the 7th century BC in Iran, but during the Achaemenid Empire, it had a massive extension throughout the territory.


Uraman Takht’s Cultural Landscape is rich in traditional culture, ancient mountainous landscapes, and the Kurdish tribe living in the mountains, so it’s no surprise that it was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in June 2021. Uraman Takht might be an old village, but its scenery never fails to surprise any generation. From extraordinary architectural design to beautiful creations of nature. Planning a trip over to Uraman Takht will not disappoint you in any way. UNESCO likewise enlisted the traditional Iranian team sport, played on horseback, called Chogan, the inscription of which was discovered in Iran’s western region.

Iran unesco world heritage sites

Uraman Takht might be an old village, but its scenery never fails to surprise any generation.


The Shushtar hydraulic system, one of the oldest engineering masterpieces in Iran and the world, has been constructed as an economical-industrial complex in the vicinity of the Shushtar historical area, under Sassanid Empire. The work process of the Shushtar complex is based on the Gargar, which blocks the river flow and consequently raises the water level in order to dewater three tunnels dug in the rock.


A remarkable site in Kermanshah Province is the Bisotun complex which has been registered on the UNESCO World Heritage Site List. The complex includes monuments, rock reliefs, caravansaries, and bridges. Bear in mind that it holds one of the most famous yet tragic Persian love stories. The story of Farhad and Shirin belongs to this place. In 2002, Bisotoun was listed on World Heritage Sites for its age and construction. It was constructed almost four thousand years ago.

Southwestern Iran


Today Pasargadae is a world heritage site for being the center of power of the great and glorious Achaemenid dynasty, the first Persian kingdom, and their royal architecture. Cyrus the Great, the first king of the most multicultural empire in western Asia built Pasargadae with stunning “Four Gardens” that became the prototype for the Persian Garden’s architecture and design, another UNESCO world heritage site.


Persepolis is a must-see if you are planning a trip to Iran. In Persepolis, Persian history becomes alive. As you walk on the site, the gigantic columns, arches, and gates will tell you stories about a dynasty and its kings who were the protectors of humanity, regardless of one’s nationality. The Iranians highly praise and recognize this spectacular remnant of the Persian Empire as a major Iranian heritage. The beauty and splendor of Persepolis have attracted thousands of visitors throughout the years.

Shiraz unesco

Persepolis is a must-see if you are planning a trip to Iran. In Persepolis, Persian history becomes alive.

Sassanid archaeological landscape

The Sassanid Archaeological Landscape of the Fars Region includes the most valuable historical monuments in terms of, architectural and urban monuments development, palaces, forts, and reliefs related to the Sassanid empire. Sassanids constructed the most magnificent buildings in this region, and global statistics have shown that most historical places are recorded in this region.

South-Eastern Iran

Burnt City

The burnt city, full of strange and wonderful secrets, has been registered as a national monument. In the southeast of Iran, an ancient city burned down three times before being abandoned in 1800 BC. In case Shahr-e Sukhteh wasn’t on your Iran tour list, we strongly recommend you include it. Shahr-e Sukhteh is still wrapped in mystery and is under further study, but you can visit the remaining on your tour in Iran.


The Citadel of Bam or the largest brick citadel in the world exists. In the southeast of Iran, in the center of Bam city, the Arg-e Bam Cultural Complex is one of Iran’s most popular historical sites. Originally built in 400 BC by the Achaemenid Empire, this massive castle-like complex is one of the largest residences in the world today! Although it was severely damaged in the 2003 earthquake, it is still one of the most unique desert castles in the world. The only case to be regretted after traveling to Kerman would be a left or broke camera!

Lut Desert

UNESCO has listed Lut as one of Iran’s most fascinating deserts. Here was once considered the hottest place on the Earth’s surface that Nasa had ever registered. Almost no living thing can survive here; it is an abiotic zone. You can engage in many adventurous activities besides visiting the Lut desert, such as biking, camping, off-roading, and so on. Taking the risk and entering the desert will surely make you forget about the difficulties and leave you in awe of the shining stars and golden sands. There is also the possibility of seeing meteors here from time to time.

Iran Desert

Kavir-e Lut is a site of an extraordinary natural phenomenon that was also added to the UNESCO world heritage list in 2016.

Southern Iran

Qeshm Global Geopark

In the shape of a dolphin, Qeshm Island UNESCO Global Geopark sits within the vast mountain range of Zagros. The Qeshm Geopark is one of the unique Geoparks in the world, as it is the first Geopark of Iran and the only Geopark in the Middle East that enjoys more importance in terms of various geological phenomena, variety in phenomena such as ecology, monuments, environment, wildlife, etc., than the other Geoparks.

Bandar Abbas, City of Crafts

Although in Bandar Abbas, there are various cultural features such as seafood, Iranian folk music, handicrafts, and indigenous arts, handicrafts have become more important due to their antiquity. As a feature of this creative city, UNESCO registered handicrafts in 2018. Bandar Abbas handicrafts include three sections include functional handicrafts, local clothes, and local musical instruments. Oud, an ancient instrument, was recently inscribed in 2022 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Being selected among the UNESCO Creative Cities Network will make Bandar Abbas more valuable, and hopefully, there will be more tourists traveling to this city.

Are you planning to travel to Iran? Check out our Iran heritage tour.

Uraman Takht, Iran

Uraman Takht, A village hidden within a mountain

Uraman Takht might be an old village, but its scenery never fails to surprise any generation. From extraordinary architecture design to beautiful creations of nature. Planning a trip over to Uraman Takht will not disappoint you in any way. Enjoy the locals’ traditional foods by the roaring rivers to wash away the exhaustion off of your body. Trek in the never-ending wonderland of Uramanat forest and let your eyes feast on the beautiful scenery before it. Outstanding nature and historical monuments are an impeccable combination that won’t let you forget them once you come to see them with your own eyes.

History of Uraman Takht

This historical village was formed over forty thousand years ago on the west side of Iran in the heart of Kurdistan Province (things to do in Kurdistan). Uramanat Village has seen millions of years and a whole lot of history passing by its eyes. Uraman Takht, back in ancient days, was once an enormous city and used to be a capital for kingdoms and empires. The design and architecture of Uraman, besides its customs and culture, prove that this region was once one of the most valuable areas of Iran. There are so many histories and stories behind anything in Uraman Takht that are yet to be discovered.

UNESCO World Heritage Site

Rich in traditional culture, ancient mountainous landscapes, and with the Kurdish tribes living in the mountains, no wonder the Cultural Landscape of Uraman Takht got inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in June, 2021, as the 26th tangible heritage of Iran on the list. For this reason, it led to more popularity among travelers who seek extraordinary attractions and a fascinating place to make memorable memories. Anything about Uraman Takht is unique, from the mountain village to the beautiful nature along the rivers that run down from the hills. If you are also a fan of the perfect combination of nature and architecture, make sure to visit Uraman Takht when the best time come, spring and summer!

Uraman Takht

Uraman Takht was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in June, 2021.


If you are visiting Uraman Takht, you probably know about its rare stepped village. The idea behind the architecture was inspired by nature, and it is truly unbelievable how people managed to build this brilliant design back in the day. Building houses on such a steep mountain is an impressive work considering how hard it was for them to build houses made only out of wood and clay. The interesting fact about the design of this stepped village is the way that each roof of the house is the upper house’s yard. On the day of your trip to Uramanat Village, if you’re lucky enough, you will be invited to some of the houses of hospitable Kurdish hosts. And maybe you get to taste a delicious Kurdish meal and carry on the taste with you home, as a tasty souvenir from Uraman Takht.


You can find one of the most beautiful mountain regions of Iran in Uraman Takht Village. An extensive part of Uramanat surrounded by high mountains makes it a perfect place for nature lovers to spend their time. Let’s not forget about the green and vast forest of Uramanat that you can observe from walking down the hills, which is the best way to please your nature-loving taste. While visiting the village, you will surely notice the two famous roaring rivers, Sirvan and Lyle. Walking alongside these rivers, especially during summertime, is extremely pleasant. Other than the rivers, pay a visit to Zaribar lake. Zaribar is actually a pond, which wasn’t generated from any river. This pond is one of the best sources of fresh water in Iran, and besides, it is also a great tourist attraction for those who want to have a fun time by the delightful freshwater of Zaribar lake. If you are looking for something more adventurous, you can always try trekking in the thrilling forests of Uramanat.

Zaribar lake - Iran

Zaribar lake is one of the best sources of fresh water in Iran, near Uramanat in Kurdistan.

The Best Time to Visit Uraman Takht

For travelers who like to visit Uraman Takht when the weather is mild and pleasant, mid-April to early October is the best time, although the days may get a little bit hot from July to September. From November to March, however, the weather is cold due to rain and snow falls. During this time, the village has a spectacular snowy view. Therefore, it is an incredible opportunity for photographers and those who enjoy winter climbing to plan their trip over Uraman Takht.

Are you planning to travel to Iran? Check out our Iran tours. Maybe you will find interesting things to do in Kurdistan.

old cafes-Iran

Old cafes in Iran, Nostalgia in modern life

Many people believe that nothing but nature brings people closer to themselves. But they are wrong. Today, you can sit in a cozy corner where no one is bothering you and enjoy your cool drink or a cup of coffee. So, you can get rid of all the hustle and bustle for a while. There are old cafes in Iran where people get together to discuss art, literature, music, or their favorite topics or simply enjoy a peaceful environment to relax. Here are some of the old cafes in Iran well-known for their outstanding features.

Naderi café, love and poem

If you like to sit on Polish chairs with dishes that have memories from the past; and breathe in an atmosphere where a part of the Iranian intellectual history has taken place, you should visit Naderi Cafe. Naderi Cafe in Tehran is located east of the College Bridge on Jomhouri Street (formerly Naderi). The Cafe dates back to 1927. At that time, an Armenian immigrant named “Khachik Madikians” traveled to Iran and established a café to show his skills in managing café and to create a hangout for intellectuals. It still exists after 50 years! Some people enjoy sitting on old chairs and being in the nostalgic atmosphere of this cafe, which was once a place for unique literary figures. Sometimes the visitors are contemporary poets and writers.

Naderi Cafe

The 50-year-old Naderi Cafe

Do you know Iranian poets and writers? Famous figures such as Nima Yoshij, Sadegh Hedayat, Ahmad Shamloo, Forough Farrokhzad, Bozorg Alavi, Houshang Ebtehaj, Siavash Kasraei, Fereydoun Moshiri, Jalal Al-Ahmad, Simin Daneshvar, and many others chose this cafe for their getting together. They used to sit on the brown chairs, read the newspaper, drink coffee, and have political and literary discussions. Also, they created memorable works there. The interesting thing is that everyone had their place in this cafe, which remained empty even in their absence. By visiting, you will see chairs that are reserved forever.
The Naderi collection consists of three main sections. In the middle of the building is a pastry that has been closed for several years. Naderi Café and Restaurant also consist of two separate halls that are adjacent to each other; and have a total capacity of 140 people. The first hall is for cafes and the second hall is served as a restaurant.
This cafe has beautiful decorations. As you sit in that 100-year-old polished chair and wait for your coffee to arrive, you can browse through the memories of framed photos on the wall and its old cups. Today the café is run by Khachik Madikian’s grandchildren. Also, all waiters are 40- to 50-year-old Armenian men. It is interesting to know that the oldest waiter in the Cafe is called “Eshghi” who always has a soda opener in his pocket, and whenever you want to open your soda, he is at your service! Also, one of the famous Iranian serials called Shahrzad has been recorded here.

Diamond Cafe, a classic mood

Once upon a time, there was an old photography studio with classical architecture on Ostad Nejatollahi Street (former villa) for a long time. But now, thanks to the efforts of some tasteful young people, it has become one of the most popular cafes in Tehran.
Diamond Cafe is located in an old building of the same name, considered cultural heritage, and retains its old texture. The cafe has a two-story building and a large courtyard where customers can use any of them to their liking. In designing the environment, they tried to combine traditional and modern architecture and maintained the classic spirit of the space while modern interior design. The cafe’s lighting is also professional and uses three lighting models. There are also shrubs in the yard to keep the feeling of greenness and vitality alive in the yard. Smoking is allowed both in the yard and on the second floor, and you can safely free your mind from anxiety and troubles.

Diamond Cafe-Tehran

Diamond Cafe, A cozy place you will love!

If you are a fan of coffee, be sure to try it here. Diamond Cafe coffees are 100% Arabica, and you can taste the original taste of coffee. Latte, mocha, and Americano are some drinks in this cafe that we suggest you try them with delicious cakes and waffles. If you like cold and stylish drinks, exciting choices are waiting for you. Among the special fruit drinks in this cafe, we can mention Rambutan. The high quality of raw materials and professional baristas also make the drinks of Diamond Cafe excellent.
Do you care about breakfast? Omelets and English breakfast are great choices to start an amazing and energetic morning. Besides the unique taste and quality, the beauty of the food design can be seen in all orders of Diamond Cafe. Our other recommendation is to try plates of pasta. Overall, Diamond Café is an excellent place for group and friendly get-togethers.

Masoudie Cafe, a cafe in a mansion

Masoudie Cafe is located inside the majestic and old Massoud mansion. It is one of the most beautiful historical mansions in Tehran. This cafe is in Baharestan Square and Ekbatan Street.
This mansion was the palace of a prince who was not destined to become king. Massoud Mirza was the son of Nasser al-Din Shah, who took the title of Zel-o-Sultan from his father and became the ruler of Isfahan. But later, he disputed with the king for some reason and stayed away from the monarchy. In 1290 AH, he ordered the construction of a mansion on a land of 4,000 square meters on Mellat Street in Tehran.
The main area of ​​the Masoudie mansion consists of two parts, east and west, which are separated by a lattice wall. When you enter the courtyard, the columns, the ceiling, and the stained glass will attract your attention. There is a large rectangular pool in front of each mansion and beautiful and fragrant flowers in the courtyard.

old cafes in Iran

old cafes in Iran: Masoudie mansion

Where is the cafe? Inside the mansion, there is a cozy cafe with its old Ghajari decor called Masoudie Cafe. It brings the picture of traditional Iranian houses into your memory. Here the food is as delicious as the grandmother’s cooking! This beautiful and pleasant cafe offers a variety of hot and cold drinks. Do not miss the traditional drinks with herbal essences. Also, Turkish coffee is recommended, and be sure to try the apple pie! A variety of traditional Iranian dishes are also served here, including cutlets, Kookoo Sabzi, Mirza Ghasemi, Omelet, and Ash Reshte. If you are one of the people who spend a high price on a good quality and enjoyable environment, you will like Masoudiyeh Cafe.

Chai Bar Cafe

Chai Bar Cafe is among the old cafes with a nostalgic environment that will acquaint you with the traditional historical sense. The Kolahfarangi mansion is a magnificent mansion on ​​Andarzgoo Street, which was once a place for entertainment to Nasser al-Din Shah Qajar. So now, Chai Bar Cafe is located in this mansion, among the beautiful and historical garden of the Iranian Calligraphers Association. About the appearance, the outer facade of the building is made of bricks. The windows are decorated with tiles in the style of traditional architecture.
Inside the mansion, however, you will find a warmer atmosphere. All the walls are white. The ceiling is solid green, and old chandeliers hang from it. Dark brown wooden tables and chairs are set inside the café. Customers can look at the green space outside through the magnifying windows. If you prefer to sit outside, it is located right in the middle of the garden. The sycamore trees growing in the heart of the grass greet you and provide a shade of coolness for you to relax. The tables and chairs are made of metal, and cushions are placed for help on their backs.
Do you love tea? Tea is Iranians’ favorite drink! This cafe is one of the few old cafes that serves more than 100 types of tea. Drinking tea in special Iranian cups is always a reason for family-friendly meetings and conversations. In addition to tea, coffee, liqueurs, syrups, and delicious snacks are also available. You can try different types of sandwiches such as steaks, falafel rolls, or kebabs for snacks.
A combination of traditional and modern styles in the design of Chai Bar cafe fascinates every viewer. Also, you can visit the Visual Arts Gallery (Art Center). The cozy and pleasant environment makes you spend a happy and relaxing day in this cafe.

Are you planning to travel to Iran? Check out our Iran tours.

Tasua and Ashura

Muharram in Iran: Visiting Iran during Muharram & Ashura

Muharram is the first month of the lunar year, which, for Muslims, is accompanied by some rituals and religious practices throughout the country. The Day of Ashura is the most important religious holiday in Iran, and if you happen to be in Iran around this time, you will experience a different atmosphere in Iran. Iranian people commemorate the Karbala Battle in Iraq, which occurred 1400 years ago between Prophet Muhammad’s grandson, Imam Hussein, and the king of Iraq at the time. Muharram in Iran would be a unique cultural experience for every tourist; most tourist attractions are closed on two days of Tasua and Ashura, though there are things to do and places to visit on these two days. Other attractions might be closed during these days, but no worries! You’re in good hands with our tour leaders. Here is the guide to what to do and expect during Muharram in Iran.

A UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage

Ta’zieh is a type of performance art, a holy drama narrating the story of the brave war and martyrdom of Imam Hussein and his family and companions in Karbala. UNESCO registered Ta’zieh as an Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2010. This Persian passion play embraces four components of poetry, music, song, and motion. In this holy drama, all the roles will be played by men, although some will have to play female roles. Many people gather to watch this graceful play on the day of Ashura, so if you happen to be in Iran during Muharram, you should attend this Iranian performance.

Sham-e Ghariban

The mourning ceremony of Sham-e Ghariban is held on the evening of Ashura in different cities of Iran for the captives of Karbala, including Zainab bint Ali, the sister of Imam Hussain, and Imam Zayn al-Abidin, the fourth Shia Imam. People light candles as a sign of mourning for the captives of Karbala during the Sham-e Ghariban ritual. There is a remarkable spiritual atmosphere filling the streets. People pray as the candles burn down and then leave behind the candles in hopes of having their prayers answered.

Muharram in Yazd

Muharram in Iran – Yazd province has a particularly remarkable ritual in Muharram.

What to Do on Muharram?

Muharram and particularly the Day of Ashura are religious holidays, and it is important to respect the mourning of the Iranian people on this day. You may see many Iranians wearing black in mourning of their Imam (religious leader). In Iranian culture, wearing black is considered the most appropriate gesture when grieving a deceased loved one. As a tourist, you don’t need to wear black, but just an acceptable covering of your body and hair is appreciated. It may be frowned upon to laugh loudly in public as well.
One of the rituals of Muharram is distributing free food (Nazri) and drinks in the streets among mourning groups; Feel free to taste some delicious Nazri while you’re at it. You will likely encounter such groups, only ask for some Nazri, and they will offer it to you wholeheartedly. It is widely believed among Muslims that the food cooked for Imam Hussein contains a spiritual value. The Iranians stay in lines and do the same thing, so there is no need to be embarrassed.

Best Places to Visit Ashura Rituals in Iran

Every city in Iran and every region has its own rituals for mourning. Hence, some places have developed a kind of glorious rituals practiced by local people. Khaneh Honarmandan is one of the top places that hold this festival annually. It is located in Iranshahr, Forsat St.Taleqani St., Tehran, Iran. Another region with glorious rituals practiced by local people is Amir Chakhmaq Complex in Yazd city. Here the Nakhl Gardani in Ashkezar is held during Ashura mourning. The Nakhl symbolizes Imam Hussein’s coffin, and mourners carry it in circles as part of the mourning ritual. Hosseinieh Ghasem Ibn- Alhussein in Natanz is another place where mesmerizing rituals have taken place during this time. So, if you happen to be in Natanz, you can visit this place to witness their astonishing performances. If you’re in Kashan, you can head to Nooshabad, watch their Ta’zieh and experience a completely different atmosphere.

Are you planning to travel to Iran? Check out our IRAN RELIGIOUS TOUR.


Best Iran Winter Destinations + Photos

Iran is known as the land of four seasons due to its special geographical location. You can have travel plans in every season. Most people plan to travel to Iran in spring and summer. But this time we suggest you travel once in the winter. Here are the best winter destinations in Iran you can experience.

Persian Gulf Islands


Many people may think that Kish Island is not suitable for recreation in winter due to its location. But you are wrong! Kish is among the best winter destinations in Iran, particularly if you are into water sports. Diving is one of the best pastimes you can have in Kish! In winter, the seawater is cleaner, and more beautiful to see colorful aquatic animals. Other new entertainment are Flyboard and Jet Flyer. Using jet skiing, these two devices allow you to fly above the water! Cycling and motorcycling are also waiting for you on the island’s coastline. You can rent a bicycle or motorbike from different stations and discover the island. You can walk on the beach for hours and pass through places and see the sights of Kish Island.

Qeshm Island

Qeshm is one of the largest magnificent islands in Iran, which attracts many tourists every year. Qeshm has both exciting water and air entertainment. Among its water activities, diving can be mentioned. You can dive around the Lark or Hormuz Island. It would be a different experience which is no less than exploring the Titanic! You can rent a boat to visit the Mangrove forests of Qeshm and the Stars Valley. Another water sport you can experience is parasailing and going to the heights of the sky over the Persian Gulf! Qeshm Island has lots of entertainment like Kish Island and can amuse you for hours and even days.


Qeshm Island, Iran.

Hormoz Island

You can experience swimming and diving on the island of Hormuz. There are many motorboats that you can use to go sightseeing around the island. Hormoz has stunning natural attractions, and the most important of them is its colorful soil. Walking on the colorful beach of Hormoz Island will surely be your most different experience of walking by the sea. There are also bike paths for travelers, and you can do sports. It is interesting that natural events such as the migration of turtles and birds also occur in winter and are very attractive and spectacular, which will undoubtedly bring you an exciting adventure.

Iran: Heaven of skiers

Dizin ski resort

The pleasure of snow and cold takes many people to the foothills of the Alborz Mountains, the most popular winter destinations in Iran. Dizin is one of the most important ski slopes in Iran and the Middle East. You can experience snow skiing and snowboarding on a 7.5 km route. Dizin is not only for athletes and skiers but also families can go and enjoy spending time in winter nature. In a part called Fun Park, there is a tube riding on snow. The presence of snow sculptures, music, and tea and coffee facilities provide a space suitable for family and friends. Also, snowy mountain landscapes are good opportunities to take unique photos (Dizin Ski Resort Tour).

Dizin ski resort

Dizin is one of the most important ski slopes in Iran.

Shemshak ski resort

Shemshak is in the Alps of Iran, a city with wooden huts and a ski slope built in the foothills around Tehran. Exercise, photography, hot drinks, and Persian food along with a snowy landscape bring young and old here. Shemshak is the largest ski slope in Iran after Dizin. The height of the Shemshak ski slope reaches 3050 meters at its highest point and 2550 meters above sea level at its lowest point. One of the most attractive features of this place is the lighting a night which has made skiing at midnight possible for skiers.

Abali ski resort

Abali, the oldest ski slope, is one of the recreational complexes of Tehran. It is the first place where lifting machines were placed in 1332. Its snow melts later than in other places, so it is a good place for skiing! If you do not know how to ski, you can still do snowboarding, tube riding, photography, mountaineering, horseback riding, and playing tennis in this area. The interesting point about Abali is its similarity to Tochal in terms of size and height. It is located 57 km from Tehran and has relatively easy access. This feature makes it more crowded than other ski slopes. If you visit here, do not forget to drink Abali Doogh. This Iranian drink is delicious and worth a try.

The best winter destinations in Iran: Deserts

The Lut desert

The Lut desert is a vast region in the southeastern part of Iran, located between South Khorasan, Kerman, and Sistan-o-Baluchestan. You may think that the desert has just a scorching heat, but it is not. Actually, deserts, like other places, have their unique beauties and can be considered among the best winter destinations. There are some attractions there such as Kalout Shahdad, Kal-e-Shor River, and Gandum Beriyan for your visit. The wind in the desert seems obvious, but the water is a little strange! One of the wonders of the Lut Desert is the existence of permanent and seasonal rivers in it. Kal-e- shour is the most important river here, the water of which is acidic due to crossing the desert, and it is dangerous to touch. One of the most beautiful and unique sights is its night sky. Starry nights are the astonishing sights of creation that can easily surprise you.

The Shahdad desert

The Shahdad desert is a part of the Lut desert and is located on its western side. The sands of Shahdad, along with its tall clumps, are one of the most beautiful parts of the desert. Hiking on soft and warm sands is very enjoyable for tourists. This place has facilities such as safari, camel riding, and motorcycle riding with four wheels. The Shahdad Desert is a large area that is divided into three zones by Environmental Organization. These three zones are marked green, orange, and red. The green zone is an area that is not dangerous for visitors to visit; but if you enter the red and orange areas without a guide, you will surely get lost.

Iran desert

Shahdad Desert is well known for its giant structures which have been formed by natural erosion.

The Mesr desert

The Mesr desert is one of the most famous deserts in Isfahan province and has a gorgeous and unique nature. A deep well has been dug in the heart of this desert, which has created vegetation. One of the most prominent sights of the Mesr desert is “Salt Lake.” The meaning of a lake in the desert is different from what you have in mind! Another spectacular attraction of this place is “Neizar Mesr”. This section, with reeds and surrounded by sand, is located 6 km northeast of the Mesr village. It is the best place for photography. Also, you will have a chance to enjoy walking on soft sand here too.

The Rig-e-Jen desert, Bermuda Triangle of Iran

The Rig-e-Jen Desert in Semnan is known as one of the most challenging places for adventurers, and its swamps are dangerous. The triangular shape and its dangers have caused this desert to be called the Bermuda Triangle of Iran. It is famous for its mystery. According to locals, many have traveled to this desert and never returned. If you do not have experience with the desert tour, do not choose the Rig-e-Jen Desert for your first trip. It is even better to travel in a group. But sleeping on the sand and gazing at meteors removes all of your daily fatigue (Rig-e Jenn safari tour)

winter destinations in Iran

Popular winter destinations in Iran: Deserts.

The Maranjab desert

The Marnjab desert is one of the other deserts in Isfahan province. It is the best desert hiking option for sand lovers and is among the most popular winter destinations in Iran. Hiking among the high dunes and the salt lake is one of the prominent attractions of the Marnjab desert. For accommodation and relaxation, you can use the Shah Abbasi Caravanserai. This place was once a resort for traders who traveled to distant lands via the Silk Road. In the Maranjab desert, you can also enjoy a safari, camel riding, four-wheeled motorcycles, star observation at night, and night tourism.

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Uraman Takht - Iran UNESCO-Listed Heritage

UNESCO inscribed Uraman on the list of world heritage sites

Uraman Takht, the undercover gem in the heart of Iranian Kurdistan embraces a unique history, architecture, culture, and people. UNESCO has added this outstanding village to the list of world cultural heritage sites. The number of Iranian cultural word-heritage sites has now reached 26 and we hope to have much more sites of such a culturally rich country on the UNESCO list.
This gorgeous village is a historical one which was formed over forty thousand years ago. In addition to the long history of the village, stone tools of the primitive cavemen and the bones of the hunted animals, that are thousands of years old, have been found around in this region. There are loads of stories and myths among the local people representing that the area was once one of the significant regions of the country during history.
As a stepped village, Uraman’s construction is inspired by nature, the houses have been built on a steep mountain in a way that come to amaze many visitors. The roof of one house is the upper house yard! The architectural design of Uraman represents one of the best practices of ecologically-friendly, nature-connected design.
And finally, surrounded by high mountains and never-ending greenery landscapes the region offers a fascinating scenery. However, as you walk into the village what you will be impressed by Kurdish people kindness and hospitality. Kurdish people with their colorful special costume will invite you to a super tasty local food, a tea, and a friendly gap. This is most probably what you are going to remember from your trip. we would welcome any inquiry you may have about traveling to Iran, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Congratulations on this achievement to the local people of Uraman who are the guardians of this legacy. We believe this cultural heritage would never exist without you.

Are you planning to travel to Iran? Check out our Iran Heritage Tour.


Trans-Iranian Railway Inscribed as UNESCO World Heritage

The Trans-Iranian railway was inscribed as UNESCO world heritage in July, 2021. This is the longest railway on the list of UNESCO, and Iran’s first industrial heritage that has been recognized for its “outstanding universal value”. The number of Iran’s UNESCO-listed tangible cultural heritage has now reached 25.

The construction of the railway dates back to 1927, connecting Tehran to Bandar Torkaman Port on the Caspian Sea in the north of Iran and Imam-Khomeini Port on the Persian Gulf in the south of Iran. The length of this north-south railway is 1394 kilometers. However, the prominence of this railway in Iran is more than connecting north of this vast land to the south! It is considered a turning point in Iran’s history, since its construction is regarded as the start of modernism and development in Iran during the past century. Outstanding technical features and quality of this railway, and the fascinating landscapes it passes through has made it a unique cultural heritage. we would welcome any inquiry you may have about traveling to Iran, check out Iran heritage tour and please do not hesitate to contact us at


chogha zanbil

Chogha Zanbil Ziggurat, the Pyramids of Iran

What do you know about the first Iranian historical monument registered in UNESCO? Iran is one of the oldest civilizations in the world, governed by many rulers and kingdoms. Today we can see historic constructions and religious temples from different periods in Iran. Religious buildings have always been a great attraction to tourists. Here, we are going to introduce a Ziggurat named Chogha Zanbil which is a glorious monument of the past.

Location and History

Chogha Znabil Ziggurat is located in Susa city, Khuzestan province, which is 115 km away from Ahvaz. Historically, the construction of this building dates back to 1250 BC. After entering the city, you can follow the signs along the way to reach the Ziggurat of ChoghaZanbil and visit it. But, what are the Ziggurats? Ziggurats were respected and sacred buildings to people of that time, and they prepared the best materials, including bricks and clay, to build such structures.
How old is Chogha Zanbil? A glance into its history indicates that it was built during the Ontash Napirash, the king of the Elamites. The discovery of the construction is also an interesting story. At that time, a geologist named Jacques Demorgan began drilling for oil around Susa, but after a while, he found the ancient bricks and sent them to archaeologists. Years later, archaeological excavations led to the discovery of Choghaznabil.


As we mentioned, Chogha Zanbil was once buried under the ground. That is why we observe it in the form of a hill. In the structure of the Chogha Zanbil, a pyramidal and stepped architecture is evident; It is made of several floors and has dozens of nested corridors and rooms. The area around the building is paved to give an excellent view. You can see circular platforms in the northeastern, northwestern, and southwestern parts of this building. There are sundials built to detect time and seasons. The interior of the building is made of clay, and the exterior wall is made of brick. Bricks are used to protect the clay from erosion. They are all baked, and inscriptions are written on them. This place has three zones marked by fences, and visitors can enter the first one.


Chogha Zanbil, a pyramidal and stepped architecture in Susa, Iran.

One of the wonders of Chogha Znabil is the water supply system in this ancient temple. The waterways have been developed along the entire building to protect it from the torrential rains of Khuzestan. Also, the four corners of the Ziggurat are in the direction of the four geographical directions, and this shows that the builders knew the north, south, east, and west well.


There are stories and secrets behind every historical and religious place. It would be a good idea to read the mysteries about the Chogha Zanbil. The people of ancient Elam believed that Ziggurats were a bridge that took men to heaven and brought them closer to the gods step by step. On the other hand, some supposed that gods came to the Earth from heaven with the help of the Ziggurats. That is why the building has stepped architecture.
In ancient times, people believed in several gods. The people of ancient Elam accepted that many gods controlled and ruled the world and that every city had a god who was in charge of protecting it. People built temples for the gods in the city center. But inside the Ziggurat of Choghazanbil, statues of the Inshushinak and Napirisha gods were kept. During the festivities, many gifts were given to the gods by the people.
There are more interesting facts about this ziggurat. As we said, the ground around the ziggurat has been paved. Archaeologists have found traces of a child’s foot on some parts of the paving, the cause of which is still unknown. It is scary and exciting at the same time! Evidence suggests that the Choghaznabil ziggurat was seized and destroyed by Assyrian Banipal before it was completed. He stated in an inscription:” I broke the ziggurat of Susa, which was glazed with azure bricks. I razed the temples of Elam to dust. I turned Susa into a ruin. The human voice and joy were destroyed by me.”
Have you ever noticed the shape of the building? The ziggurat is square. Because the number four is considered sacred in numerical architecture. It is inspired by four main directions, four seasons, and four elements of nature.

The Best Time to Visit Chogha Zanbil

You can visit Susa from late March to the end of April. You can travel to Chogha Zanbil Ziggurat by car or tour; since no trains, buses, taxis pass through it. October to April is the best time to visit the ziggurat. If you want to tour on a sunny day, it may be best to bring an umbrella with you. Wearing light-colored sleeves will help you withstand the heat better. Consider the early hours of the day to visit so that the heat does not bother you. we would welcome any inquiry you may have about traveling to Iran, please check out Iran tours & do not hesitate to contact us at You are also recommended to visit other places in Susa like the historical castle of Susa, the Apadana Palace, and the Shrine of Daniel the Prophet (PBUH). If you have planned o visit Iran, here is the link to Iran online visa.

world wildlife day - Iranian Cheetah

World Wildlife Day 2021: Forests and livelihoods

World Wildlife Day is celebrated annually on March 3rd; the United Nation has announced “Forest and livelihoods: sustaining people and planet” as 2021 theme to celebrate the day by focusing on the livelihoods of the communities which are highly dependent on the forests and also the significance of these precious ecosystems for the endurance of animals and human beings on Earth.
Covering an area of one-third of the land surface on the Earth, forests play a remarkable role in human livelihoods and well-being. It has been proved that where there is forest, there is also a concentration of tribal people or rural populations relying on these forests. Besides that, it is not only local peoples’ livelihood that relies on forests, these rich ecosystems are home to a variety of flora and fauna species, they are considered a pre-requirement to the survival of biodiversity on the Earth.
As it appears, forests have been prone to many threats during past decades due to the drastic change of climatic conditions, global warming, bush fire as a result of the rise in the temperature, and changing rainfall patterns. Our planet Earth has also been suffered from deforestation accompanying economic development in many countries. Given that forests are vital to animals’ and humans’ life and well-being, particular attention should be paid to the preservation of these natural sources and the first step toward mitigating forests is turning to green growth strategies. As the 2021 theme suggests, making use of the local knowledge would be a possible remedy toward sustaining forests and saving all lives on the Planet.
On world wildlife day, we believe the travel and tourism industry could best contribute through developing sustainable tourism in the rural areas making use of the local communities, making tourists learn rural living standards, and apply them as far as possible. On this special day, you may be surprised to know that Iran owns forests as old as dinosaurs! and we do our best to keep these amazing ecosystems of the Mother Nature. we would welcome any inquiry you may have about traveling to Iran, please check out our Iran tours & do not hesitate to contact us at We will come back to you soon.