Iranian festival

Top 7 Festivals of Matinabad Eco-camp

There is no better place than Matinabad if you are looking for a fascinating place to stay in the countryside of Isfahan in central Iran. A warm and lovely residence located in the Rural District of Khaledabad in the Isfahan Province with a population of approximately 500 people. Matinabad Eco-camp not only has many exciting activities available for tourists and natives but there are also many festivals that take place in Matinabad to keep everyone entertained. Here are the most exciting festivals held in Matinabad that you wouldn’t want to miss.

Nowruz Festival

The Persian New Year is known as Nowruz, which translates to A new day. The entire country is full of colorful flowers and cheers, and Matinabad is no exception. The locals of Matinabad believe that light shall always defeat darkness. Thus, the villagers acknowledge the festival of Light and Mirror when the first Thursday of the year arrives. They turn on all the lights in the house with mirrors everywhere for two days straight. By that, they resemble an illuminated holy place. Join us at this event and treat yourself to our natural and organic herbal teas and freshly picked products. We will give you the experience of heaven in the middle of the desert by making a magical drink of rosewater and peppermint extract New Year’s edition.

Rose Water Festival (Golab Giri)

During spring, Damask roses grow on the fields of the village’s verdant farms. A perfect time to extract rose water from these scented flowers. Therefore, the locals of Matinabad regard this time of the year as a festive season. Wooden baskets are often given to children to help their parents gather fragrant flowers, making it a fun activity for them to enjoy. During this time, you have an opportunity to experience the creation of rose water extract harvested by your own hands in the Matinabad eco-camp. Drinking the best quality and fresh rose water, sweetbrier extract, peppermint extract, and Sisymbrium irio syrup accompanied by live traditional music at the camp will make your evening fresh and aromatic like the roses from our garden. Following that, the locals distribute the food to the lovely guests of Matinabad to enjoy.

Ab Dough Khiar

Ab Dough Khiar is a traditional Persian meal mostly served during summer. Iranians cherish the opportunity to have this tasty meal on hot summer days. It contains herbs, walnuts, yogurt, and sometimes raisins. Ice cubes are added to the mix to create a cold sensation in the body during this hot season. Throughout the summer, locals in Matinabad serve the most delicious Ab Dough Khiar you will ever taste. To remain loyal to the values of establishing Matinabad eco-camp, dedicated to improving the quality of life of local people and preserving valuable occupations, they grow plants and flowers and extract them using the skills of the local farmers and labor. Therefore, you can rest assured that all the products used in this delicious meal are organic. So, If you’re visiting Matinabad during summer, make sure you get a taste of this luscious Persian meal.

Yalda Night in Matinabad

The most widely cherished festival in Iran is Yalda Night or Chelleh Night. The longest and the darkest night of the year, when Iranian families sit around a place and stay up till dawn. Watermelons, pomegranates, persimmons, sweets, and nuts are the specific items that represent the glory of this tradition. Each of the items has its meaning. For instance, the pomegranate is a symbol of birth, and its bright red seeds symbolize the glow of life. Guests are always welcome in Matinabad during Yalda night. The restaurant will serve a meal different from the daily special to leave you a more vivid memory of the event. Locals will play traditional instruments and recite poems by Hafez for the visitors to treasure this memorable night.

Kadoo Halvayi (Pumpkin Festival)

Matinabad organic farms supply a variety of crops such as watermelons, pumpkins, eggplants, pomegranates, tomatoes, and many more. Autumn is known as the pumpkin season, and by the time fall arrives, the organic pumpkins of Matinabad Organic Farm are harvested for countless purposes. During this most wonderful time of year, the locals make pumpkin jam, stew, pottage, and tasty desserts like cookies and cakes to welcome visitors. As part of the Thanksgiving festival, pumpkins will also be used as decorations to bring light and joy to the hearts.

Chaharshanbe Suri

The last Wednesday (Chaharshanbe Suri) is celebrated all over Iran before the New Year approaches. When Iranians leap over a bonfire and sing a traditional song. People believe that the red color of fire symbolizes health. Iranians perform a variety of traditions on this night. In Matinabad, the locals dance and whirl with a harmonious sound produced by Sorna (an ancient woodwind instrument) and Zarb (a goblet drum). Guests from Iranian cities and foreigners gather around to celebrate this renowned festival. During this night, a very popular Persian stew, Ash Reshteh, is served, making the night even more memorable.

Asemane Shab in Matinabad

The night sky over Matinabad is full of twinkling stars and galaxies, thanks to being located near the desert. It’s a magnificent moment for the visitors to observe the night sky. Astrophotographers often visit this special place to capture the Milky Way and the stars via their telescopes. It is fascinating to look at the night sky with a telescope and observe millions of stars, planets, and galaxies. With the help of our astronomers, you will learn more about the incredible planets in the sky. Gathering around a bonfire under a starry night is a special moment you can experience in Matinabad.


The night sky over Matinabad is full of twinkling stars and galaxies.

The House of Strength

Zoorkhaneh: The House of Strength (workout, music & more)

Zoorkhaneh is the house of strength, not only for the body but also for the soul and spirit. An ancient traditional Iranian sports club, dating back to the Zoroastrianism and Mithraism era (almost 700 years ago) where the athletes train rigorously with live music playing with Zarb (Persian drum) and poems of Shahnameh, the masterpiece epic book of Ferdowsi (ancient Iranian poet).

Zoorkhaneh Origin

As claimed by some people, the idea of zoorkhaneh began during the Arab invasion of Persia in the 7th century and led to the establishment of a secret society to liberate Persia. Young Persian males gathered in a place they called the zoorkhaneh and performed a ritual that included strenuous physical activities, weight lifting, and martial arts. Pahlevani and zourkhaneh rituals is the name inscribed by UNESCO for varzesh-e pahlavāni.

In the beginning, the zoorkhaneh was organized for political reasons; however, in the modern day, it is a gymnasium, sporting arena, and meeting house for male Iranian athletes. Zoorkhaneh Athletes were considered nobles in terms of the ranking after the reverends. And those who knew the ways of combat were highly respected by the public. These gymnasiums can be found in almost every Iranian city or town and even in neighboring countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, and Azerbaijan.

Zoorkhaneh in Iran

In the Iranian Culture, Zoorkhaneh is a sacred place where physical activity is combined with art and literature. Having a strong morality, devotion, and honorary manner is as important as having a strong body. The ritual is taken place in a building shaped as a dome with an octagonal recessed arena (Gowd) surrounded by terraced seats. The entrance door is short therefore when entering, everyone must bow their head to respect this place and people.

“Persian meels” are huge wooden clubs used for physical preparation for fights.

The Architecture of Zoorkhaneh

The interior structure of the house is built like the classical architecture of Persia with Aina-Kari (covering the wall with a mosaic of mirror-glass) as well as the portrait of Ali (the son-in-law of Prophet Mohammed) hanging on the wall. Before and after every session, the members pray upon Ali as a memory of him. Athletes (Bastankars) wear a special attire representing the ancient archeological Persian nobles and warriors, a tight leather breech without shirts.

The Traditional Music

Zoorkhaneh has its music, exercises, and equipment. An elder man, Morshed, or the master (Pishkesvat) who leads the ritual chants verses from the Shahnameh, evokes a sense of heroism and exhilaration within the members. With the sound of drumbeats and the clanging of a bell, the beautiful ritual commences.

Etiquette of Zoorkhane

Athletes of ten to twenty men stand around the arena (Gowd) to warm up and later perform exercises using metal shields (sang), chains that are simple iron weights (kabbadeh), and wooden Persian mils, followed by a Sufi-like whirling and juggling to build strength and stamina. The members move together with the drum beats of a goblet drum called Zarb.

The Morshed sits above the arena, a place called (sardam), and directs the pace of the movements by the rhythms played on the traditional drum. Push-ups are carried out by the members before wrestling. They rub oil over their bodies to slip out of their opponent’s clutches without difficulty.


Athletes of ten to twenty men stand around the arena to warm up and later perform exercises.

These exercises are very similar to eastern martial arts and are aimed to aid meditation and contemplation. Participants may be from different social backgrounds, but during the performance, the students are all taught about ethical values and courteousness under the leadership of the Morshed. Religion plays a significant role in this sacred place since the athletes who possess the ‘Seyed’ or ‘Sadat’ titles (their family tree roots back to the prophet of Islam) hold high esteem.

The Members Rank

In a Zoorkhaneh, the members progress and are ranked up by the guidance of the Morshed to the highest grade, known as the champion or Phalavan, who usually stands in the center and conducts this traditional performance. The Pahlavan is obligated to help the weak, praise his Lord and do good deeds, for he is regarded as a spiritual adept.

As mentioned, the members have different ranks based on their experience. The first grade begins after a year of participation in the House. The second grade is after three years of part taking, and the Morshed will recite a divine blessing (Salawat), meaning “peace be upon Him.” a salutation to Prophet Mohammed.

The members have different ranks based on their experience.


Within six years of participation, when the athlete is around the age of 18, he will receive the third grade. Upon entering the arena, the Morshed will say a Salawat for the student. Fourth-grade participants will receive their rank in 12 years of experience. The fifth is given to them after 15 years and the sixth after 18 years of involvement.

The Morshed will play the Zarb (drum) When the sixth-grade student steps inside the arena. The seventh-grade students receive the rank in 24 years. The Morshed will ring the bell while the student does the Sufi-whirling. Those who were present for 32 years will get the eighth-grade rank. The bell will cling every time this student steps in or out of the pit.

Finally, the ninth grade is the last rank where the student will attain the Pahlavan title after 45 years of practicing these unique physical exercises. This title is very rare, and only a few men possess such a high honorable rank.

Pahlevani Wrestling

An annual competition takes place in Iran known as the Pahlevani Wrestling, and the champion will earn a Bazouband which is an armband. Traditionally, the king gave the armband to the winner, but now the president of Iran has to award it. Gholamreza Takhti, one of the most popular Phalevans, is also known as Jahan Pahlevan, meaning world champion. He is a three times winner and an Olympic Gold medalist.

Zoorkhaneh Houses

Many Zoorkhaneh Houses are active in use all around the country. Here are some of the best ones to visit. Pahlavan Pour in Tehran, one of the oldest Zoorkhaneh in the capital, was established almost 100 years ago. Ali Mirza, located in Hamadan, is another great option to visit, which was initiated 200 years ago. Poolad in Shiraz was once a cistern and is now an old Zoorkhaneh from 160 years ago. An additional one is situated in Tehran named Shir, which is also from around 100 years ago.

Are you planning to travel to Iran? Check out our Iran tours.

Mirza ghasemi

Most Popular Northern Dishes of Iran

Iranian cuisine is very diverse; however, the northern dishes of Iran are exceptional for tourists. The cuisine varies from region to region. In Mazandaran province, people are fonder of seafood and spices for it is alongside the Caspian Sea, a coastal area where locals can effortlessly catch fish, and in Gilan Province, a mountainous region, indigenous herbs, and veggies are used for the main course. Here are some delicious northern dishes you should try while visiting mesmerizing places in the northern region of Iran!

Naz Khatoon

Naz Khatoon is an original and fancy Persian side dish famous in the Mazandaran Province. It is a Torshi mixture made with special herbs, potatoes, and eggplants. A simple recipe that is excellent for those who enjoy sour foods. Naz Khatun contains garlic, grated onions, verjuice, condiments, cinnamon, vegetable oil, barbequed eggplants, and pomegranate paste for an additional sourness. Dried mint, angelica, basil, and fresh coriander are crushed and combined with the above ingredients to create an unforgettable taste. The mouth-watering Torshi is garnished with chopped or pickled carrots and garden-fresh coriander. The side dish is mainly accompanied by Adas Polo “rice and lentils” or Shami kebab, a mixture of beef and nuts.

Baghali Ghatogh

Baghali Ghatogh is a delicious stew made with dill, kidney beans, and eggs. The Baghali Ghatogh is also served with sticky rice known as kateh in Persian, which is very common in the Northern dishes. Fresh Garlic and seasoning such as pepper, salt, and turmeric are added to the stew for a flavorful taste. The recipe for the stew is distinct between the two Northern Provinces. In Mazandaran, Baghali Ghatogh is made with kidney beans, and in Gilan, it is cooked with cranberry beans. Nonetheless, the Gilani recipe is mostly dished out in late summer, for the beans are supplied during this month.

Baghali Ghatogh

Baghali Ghatogh is a delicious stew made with dill, kidney beans, and eggs.


Aghouze Messeama

If you’re looking for an extraordinary dish, make sure to try Aghouze Messeama, one of the northern dishes of Iran. Aghouze Messeama is a popular and healthy meal in Gilan Province, made with duck, pomegranate paste, and walnuts. Pomegranate seeds and walnuts are ground and combined with the mixture of duck and pomegranate paste, followed by salt, pepper, sugar, turmeric, fried onions, and butter or oil. The stew mixture is served with rice or torshi, which is simply pickled vegetables commonly used in Middle Eastern cuisines as a side dish. Fried Eggplants are set out by the plate as well for extra relish. This dish is also made with goose instead of duck, depending on the different regions.

Mirza Ghassemi

Mirza Ghassemi is named after Mohammed Qasim Khan, the Northern governor of Rasht, who was the first to invent this famous traditional savory in the 19th Century. Mirza Ghassemi is served as both an appetizer and the main dish. It is a dip cooked with grilled eggplant, tomatoes, spices, and eggs and helped with rice or bread. The majority of provinces enjoy the dish with freshly baked Persian bread. Garlic, salt, pepper, oil, or butter is mixed with the three main ingredients to make the delicious roasted eggplant dish. In some areas, grilled zucchini is used instead of eggplants to make Kadoo Ghassemi. ‘Kadoo’ is the Persian word for Zucchini. The dish can be decorated with basil, mint, or other fragrant herbs, as well as onions or sliced red radish.

Mirza Ghasemi

Mirza Ghasemi is a vegetarian meal that is very tasty and delicious.


Sirabij stew is a well-liked meal cooked in Gilan Province, famous for its strong garlic fragrance. The word ‘sir’ stands for garlic in Persian, referring to the main ingredient of Sirabij stew. Garlic cloves and leaves are what make this stew aromatized. It is a simple and easy dish to make, requiring boiled eggs, salt, pepper, turmeric, and oil with the cloves prepared and then fried together. Gilani women cook Sirabij with Gija Oil, also known as Gijavash, a local vegetable oil perfect for this unique stew. Sirabij is served with bread or rice, along with fish or chicken and yogurt.

Spinach Maerji

One of the most common leafy green vegetables in Northern cuisine is Spinach. A healthy and nutritious plant, recommended by many health experts. Spinach Maerji is the perfect meal for individuals with low iron and a weak immune system. Made with lentils, garlic cloves, sour pomegranate paste, spice, turmeric, salt and pepper, and animal fat or butter. The dish is accompanied by bread or kateh (sticky rice) and garnished with herbs such as basil or mint. Mazandaran province is where Spinach Maerji was first invented and is usually made by the locals as a flavorsome meal. All these delicious northern dishes of Iran will give an unforgettable taste to your trip!


Spinach Maerji

Spinach Maerji was first invented in Mazandaran Province.

Are you planning to travel to Iran? Check out our Iran tours and Iran food tour.

Omidvar Brothers

Omidvar Brothers: Story, Museum, Book, Photos & more

Imagine traveling the world on merely a bike and 90$ to spend. Only a brave soul could embark on a 10-year journey across the globe. Believe it or not, that is what the Omidvar brothers did back in 1954. Throwing their film-making gear on their bikes, they hit the road to see the most outlying people they could encounter. An extraordinary documentary of a vanished world was made of these people, cultures, and even countries that no longer exist.

Omidvar Brothers

Abdollah and Issa Omidvar, born after the Second World War, lived in the suburbs of Tehran. They have always had a taste for traveling and probing, inspired by the stories their father used to tell on the long nights of the winter. Their dream was to visit all the hidden corners of the world. In Iran, they were part of a mountaineering club with which they climbed Mount Damavand, the highest volcano in Asia. The Omidvars were not seasoned travelers, professional filmmakers, or elite members. They were two men in their early 20s who wanted to learn more about the world.

Why Traveling with Bike?

Issa participated in a speed and endurance race that ranged from Karaj to Tehran and won second place. Sometime later, he finished fourth among all the participants in a speed cycling race. Another reason that caused more motivation to travel by bicycle was the French cyclist Lionel Brans, who planned to go from Paris to Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam, on a bike. He was passing through Tehran on the way and was welcomed by the mountaineers of the club. This meeting and acquaintance made Issa’s determination to travel by bicycle more.

Preparing for adventure

Issa decided to go on a motorbike trip to the west. He crossed the border of Iran to travel to Turkey, Syria, and Iraq. This four-month journey was exhausting with graveled and dangerous roads. Yet, he was welcomed by the people and finished his 4-month adventure. Meanwhile, his brother Abdollah was exploring southern Iran by bicycle with his friend. The Omidvars’ determination and gentle approach – outlined in their motto attached to their bikes, “All different, all relative” – was the perfect motive for their journey.


Omivar BRothers

Omidvar brothers on their journey with their bikes


Start of an Endless Journey

The first journey of the Omidvar brothers took seven years, passing through Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India and traveling to Tibet, Southeast Asia, and Australia. After crossing the Pacific Ocean, they traveled to Alaska, North America, and South America. Finally, they arrived in Europe after crossing the Atlantic Ocean. After a brief trip home, a new round of adventure in a 2CV begins. They drove through Africa, managing to get the vehicle through the Congo and the challenging barrier of the Ituri forest.

Omidvar Brothers Documentary

During their trips to different parts of the world, the Omidvar brothers filmed their observations. They launched the documentary they made on various networks around the world. This documentary includes the life and adventures of these two brothers. They had to hang around the Africans, live alongside primitive and dangerous Amazonian tribes, and eat raw animal meat with the Eskimos. And when you ask them about the hardships of their journey, they say: travel makes a person resistant, and the more a person deals with problems, the more resistant he becomes.

Omidvar Brothers Museum

When their journey ended, Abdollah settled in Chile, founding a successful film company, and Issa returned to Iran as a celebrity. Then, in Tehran, in an 18th-century Pahlavi palace, he constructed a museum to house all the artifacts he and his brother had collected. Visiting artifacts, such as a real severed human head, monkey skulls, and elephant tusks will absolutely amaze you. It’s a place very much worth a visit. If you traveled to Iran, make sure to visit Omidvars museums to learn more about the adventures of these two world travelers.

Omidvar Brothers Book

This is the Omidvar Brothers travelogue. There is also an English version of this book available. If interested, you can order the book from their website You can learn anything and everything there is to know about their journey by reading this book. In the book, you will find pictures, maps, and memories of the brothers written in the book; these will fascinate you, as these can only be found in Omidvar Brothers Travelogue.

Omidvar brothers

Omidvar Brothers: In Search of the World’s Most Primitive Tribes from 1954 to 1964.

The End of Omidvar Journey

According to the announcement of the Lamunda Cultural Center in Santiago, Chile, Abdollah Omidvar died on July 15, 2022, at the age of 89 in Chile. Abdollah Omidvar (1932-2022), a producer, filmmaker, and, most of all, the first Iranian adventurer who traveled to more than 100 countries and made up to 120 documentaries, is truly an icon in the hearts of Iranians.

Are you planning to travel to Iran? Check out our Iran tours.

International Earth Day

Earth Day 2025 (Date, Theme, Activities)

International Earth Day is a global celebration for reminding each and every one of us that the earth and its ecosystems give us the life that we are all living. This particular day provides us an opportunity to raise global awareness of the challenges we all need to face for the sake of our planet’s well-being and all the life it supports. Since the earth is the only home we have, we need to increase our harmony with nature and learn everything there is to know about the needs of the present and future generations of humanity.

History of International Earth Day

As the industries started to mass-produce smoke and sludge into the environment, it ended with an enormous amount of air pollution, and water pollution, to sum up, destroying the world. The first Earth Day led to the creation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the passage of the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species. Sen. Nelson was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which is the highest honor given to civilians in the United States, for his role as Earth Day founder. On April 22nd, 1970, around 20 million Americans gathered in the streets, parks, and auditoriums to manifest a healthy, livable environment. Thousands of colleges and universities planned protests against the decay of their home. Certain groups that were protesting against oil spills, polluting factories and power plants, toxic dumpsites, the loss of wilderness, and the extinction of wildlife suddenly understood they shared common values.

How Can We Save the Earth (Earth day Activities)?

Most years, Earth Day events vary from river cleanups to the removal of invasive plants. But this year, with the social distancing still in place for many of us, Earth Day has gone virtual. Virtual events, such as environmental speeches and movies, will occur on Earth Day, April 22. You can be a volunteer to try to make the world a better place and help the environment by participating in an event. There are a lot of great things that you can do on Earth Day. There are usually local activities as well that you can also participate in (Find Events Here).


The theme for 2025 is OUR POWER, OUR PLANET.

The earth is the only home we have, we all live on it and our livelihood is highly dependent on its generosity. We all know that anything we do and any choice we make, affect our planet. Therefore, it is time to think about what we have done for our home and what we can do.
Here is the action we have taken so far! Matinabad Desert Eco-Camp. The organic farm was founded in 2008 by a group of environmentalists and tourism experts. The basic premises of establishing Matinabad Eco-Camp was to present, maintain, contribute and promote considering, respecting, and conducting the ethic codes of the International Tourism and Ecotourism organizations in order to approach CSR and SRB models and achieve sustainable and Responsible Tourism in IRAN.
As the first Iranian Eco-Camp, we offer unforgettable adventures close to the local people and the desert nature. Baking Persian bread or cooking with the local women, harvesting in our Organic farm and orchards or Treks on camel or on foot, bike rides through landscapes of sand dunes and mountain gorges, desert walks, safari short trips with Jeeps or ATV bikes, and star gazing at night are included in our Camp activities.

Respect The Nature

There is nothing more enjoyable than walking, cycling, or carpooling to get from place to place in delightful nature. The fewer cars on the road, the better. Now we all know that nature owes its beauty to our tall and green friends. So why not make more friends in our environment? Plant a tree. Trees are an enormous part of our earth, and planting one will just add to the health and wellness of the world that we live in. Consider making your yard an oasis for birds and other creatures. You can put in food for birds, stray cats, or dogs, install birdhouses, and more. By making it comfortable for them, they will be more likely to stick around.

International Earth Day

International Earth Day

Start from Your Own Home

Do you have a recycling system? If you don’t, then probably getting one could be a big step towards helping the environment from the mass-produced trash. Take a look and see what you can recycle in your local area and see if you can work to make a difference in that way. Make sure that your workplace is more environmentally friendly. That way, not only do you feel much better but also you’ve done such an excellent job by helping your world. Stop drinking bottled water or using plastic bags! There are plenty of options out there that you could choose from instead. If you stop using plastic bags and bottles, you can save lots of lands that would be filled up with plastics. Go on a more plant-based diet to manage your footprints in the environment.

Keep in Touch with Nature

Leave the house and enjoy the beauty of nature. Go on a hike or even to the park. Keep in touch with nature to remind yourself exactly why you want to go through this path and put so much time and effort into what could lead to finally restoring our home. Don’t just leave it to Earth day! If we can do countless things when we are celebrating Earth Day, imagine just how much more we could do if we kept taking care of our earth every other day throughout the year. So, why not try to seek what can be done within the whole year and make taking care of the environment a regular part of how you live?

Are you planning to travel to Iran? Check out our Iran tours.

Persian Carpet

Persian rug: Everything about Persian carpet

From ancient times, Iranian people have used hand-woven carpets to change their homes from a dull house to a beautiful one. When it comes to carpets, everybody knows about those masterpieces woven by the artistic hands of the Iranians. The Persian rug is that magical element that can turn every house into a mansion. People adore Persian carpets for their complicated designs, splendid colors, and incomparable art. If you want to know more about the Persian Carpets lying in the heart of every Iranian house, keep reading!

The history of the Persian rug

Before the art of carpet weaving thrived in today’s society, people used animal skins as a mat and a cover to protect themselves from the cold and wet environment to bring comfort and convenience to their families. As time passed and experiences were exchanged, weaving flourished, which is now developing and evolving in its present form. Carpet weaving began in Persia approximately 2,500 years ago as an art. The Pazyryk rug, which is the oldest carpet found on Earth, dates back to the 5th century BC. The patterns used in this carpet have been attributed to the Achaemenian Empire and the Iranians in those times. The density and quality of knots used in this carpet are still unique and impressive to many artists.
The Iranian carpet began to develop into traditional patterns over time and became a work of art, led to the development of carpet weaving as a form of art. Today, Iran is considered among the several great pioneers in Persian carpet.


The structure of the Persian Carpets

Iranian carpets are usually made of a mixture of wool and cotton. You can also find regions like Hamadan and Kurdistan that use camel hair for weaving carpets. Silk is also frequently used to make finely knotted ones in regions such as Qom and Tabriz, which are very popular among carpet lovers. Iranian original rugs are traditionally hand-knotted and consist of strings of warp and thousands of knots constituting the carpet’s weft. Many have floral designs with roaming tendrils and come in a wide variety of colors. Other valued Persian motifs include bold medallions, spandrels, repeating arabesques, borders often utilizing repeated Herati patterns of flowers, animals, or human figures. Every region of Iran has its own unique design, motifs, and even colors. We will try to introduce the most outstanding Iranian carpets.

Tabriz Carpet

One of the unique persian handicrafts in Tabriz is carpet weaving, which has world reputation. Carpet weaving in Tabriz started before the Safavid era and is still one of the oldest and most famous centers of hand-woven carpet weaving in the world. Unsurprisingly, it is still famous among foreign traders today. Tabriz carpets have been able to attract countless fans by using new colors and designs. In general, the layout and colors of Tabriz carpets have a great variety. One of the designs of Tabriz carpets, which has been very popular in both the past and today, is a four-season carpet that has many details and depicts the life of farmers through the seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Isfahan Carpet

The gorgeous city of Isfahan has many tourist attractions and magnificent architecture, so it is no wonder it is one of the most visited cities by tourists in Iran. In Isfahan, which is the main center of handicrafts in Iran, in addition to many works of art, unique carpets can be considered as souvenirs. Isfahan’s carpet designs are inspired by the magnificent architecture of the entire city. From city palaces and gardens to the tiles of the mosques. Other patterns, such as pictorial designs, human sketches and animal motifs, can also be seen in their works. The density of the knot is very high, and its thickness is low, so they are considered high quality and exquisite carpets.

Yazd Carpet

From the early 1930s, Kermani merchants began to produce Yazdi carpets for sale in the European and American markets. Yazd handmade carpets and rugs are very high quality and are highly durable; so many people would like to buy them. Yazdi carpets have elastic and bergamot designs and often an invariant background and free margins and sometimes designs imitating Kashan carpets. The main popular characteristic of Yazd’s handmade carpets is the traditional design, the bergamot centered in the middle of the carpet. You can rarely find a Yazdi carpet with small bergamots scattered all over the carpet.

Nain Carpet

This carpet is made of fluff instead of wool, and it is known for its short pile and light and matte background colors with bergamot designs. Typically, Nain carpets are dyed red, blue, or beige on the surface. The resemblance of Nain rugs to the nearby city of Isfahan is undeniable. High knot density and fineness in texture can vividly be seen in this region’s carpets. A typical carpet design in Nain city is a medallion design in the center of the rug along with Islamic motifs or flower designs. Remarkably, fine Nain rugs are made entirely of silk. Obviously, these silk carpets have higher prices than those made of wool.
As you can see, it is no surprise that the Iranian carpet has earned a worldwide reputation. If you are interested in art and handicraft, particularly the art of carpets, Iran Doostan offers some tours where you will get the opportunity to meet the nomads and how they make carpets.

Are you planning to travel to Iran? Check out our Iran tours.


Sepandarmazgan; the day of love in ancient Iran

The life of the Iranian people has always been associated with celebration and happiness. They celebrated on different occasions and believed in living happily. Of course, there are days that belong to the distant past and receive less attention today. One of these days is Sepandarmazgan, the day of love in ancient Iran.

The story behind Sepandarmazgan

In ancient Iran, twenty centuries before the birth of Christ, a day was dedicated to love which was called Sepandarmazgan. This day was celebrated in the old Iranian calendar on March 26. However, in the new calendar, this celebration is held on February 18. The number of days in each month was thirty days, and all the months and days had their own special names. The fifth day of Esfand was called “Sepandar Maz”. So, the occasion is a celebration with this name. Sepandarmazgan is a celebration of the earth, as a symbol of femininity, and also respect for love, both of which are complementary and inseparable according to the Iranian culture.

How is Sepandarmazgan celebrated?

This day was a glorious day for both men and women. They love, thank, and appreciate each other on this day. Women give gifts and flowers in respect and love to their husbands or partners. In return for this love, their husbands place them on the throne, give gifts, and they try to listen to them and fulfill their wishes. Therefore, Sepandarmazgan is also the commemoration day of women in ancient Iran. This was considered a flip for men to know and respect the value of their mother and wife. These celebrations lasted for a long time so that men would continue to respect women throughout their lives. According to the surviving documents of the past, Abu Rihan al-Biruni stated that people used to do various things on this day, including magic rituals, to eliminate evil spirits.

Do Iranians celebrate Valentine’s Day?

People think that the day of love is an international day marked as Valentine’s Day, and we have borrowed this day from the Europeans. Unfortunately, today many Iranian teenagers are fascinated by Western culture and celebrate Valentine’s Day. However, there are still young groups of people who think it is not too late to change things and so, they do care for Sepandarmazgan Day as the Iranian love day. Hopefully, they can keep the Iranian culture alive.

This video is an inspiration for celebrating Sepandarmazgan (the day of Love) in Iran.

Are you planning to travel to Iran? Check out our Iran tours.

Iranian tribe's clothing

Iranian Tribes’ Clothing

Clothing is one of the things that changes over time for various reasons, particularly traditional clothing. But some rural’s and nomad clothes remain unchanged, and local people wear the local costume of their village. One of the most beautiful cultural attractions of any city is its local clothing. As a rich-cultural land, Iranian tribes’ clothing is quite rich and diverse, every region has its own costume that will be explained in this article.

Qashqai Clothing

Qashqai tribe is one of the Iranian tribes that live in Fars province. The most important moral characteristics of Qashqai men and women are simplicity and purity, perseverance, and courage. Happiness and vitality are prominent features of the Qashqai people, the effect of which can be seen in the clothes of these people. So, most of them are colorful and have unique and beautiful designs. One of the positive features of Qashqai women’s local clothes is that they protect their bodies from cold and heat. Anyone can buy these clothes according to their budget. Also, men’s original Qashqai clothes have a special beauty and will not bother their mobility. Nomadic women use a fabric called Charqad to cover their hair. This fabric, which acts as a scarf, is very delicate and has rare designs. All Qashqai men should always wear a hat, double-edged made of felt.


The Bakhtiari tribe has one of the most original and beautiful Iranian tribes’ clothing. Their clothes correspond to their lifestyle and type of activity. Bakhtiari women’s local clothes have a significant variety and differ in the type of fabric, sewing, and decorations. They wear colorful clothes with various designs in daily life, migration, parties, and weddings. Beaded and sequined embroidery of Bakhtiari clothes shows the great taste and skill of Bakhtiari people in sewing clothes. Whether in weddings or mourning ceremonies, men’s clothes are Chogha and Tonban and hats, and only the shirt under the Chogha differs in color. Each dress may represent a specific stratum because of an acquisition of social status based on clothing. Wealthy Bakhtiari people wear long fluffy hats called Khosravi hats and Chogha Kiarasi, but cheap and raw materials are used by the lower classes of society.

Iranian tribes' clothing

The Bakhtiari tribe has one of the most original and beautiful Iranian tribes’ clothing.


Turkman clothing is usually made of silk, leather, linen, and cotton. Turkman women are responsible for raising silkworms and preparing cocoons and dyeing them with natural dyes such as seeds and bark of pomegranate, indigo, and other desert plants. Turkman men’s clothing consists of parts such as trousers, hats, and shoes. Traditional trousers are of two types: Balaq or Tonban, which is a loose cotton Tonban, and Jolbar which are often worn by older men at festivals. Turkman women have four types of clothing, including home clothes, work clothes that are commonly used for baking bread and agricultural work, city clothes for leaving the house, and formal clothes for attending parties. It is interesting to know that hat is another type of clothing that is usually used after marriage as a sign of being married.


Kurdish men’s and women’s clothes are beautiful and available in various colors and are made of different parts and high-quality materials. They have special etiquette in covering and even wearing a scarf or shawl. You can find out the social class and the level of family finances according to the color, shape, material, and ornaments. Kurdish women’s clothing has beautiful decorations that can not be found in men’s clothing. They are based on various popular beliefs. They are mostly made of silk, velvet, and satin, which are decorated with sequins, stone, tapestry, and beads. Kurdish women tie shawls around their waists. These shawls come in a variety of colors and are woven from a beautiful fabric that is sometimes ribbon-shaped and sometimes square. Kurdish men’s clothing is often loose to make it easy to walk through mountains and difficult routes. The color, design, and model of each dress are different according to the weather and its use in work or ceremonies, and celebrations. Men’s clothing is much simpler than women’s clothing and is usually made of one color like brown, blue, or gray.

Kurdish clothing

Kurdish women tie shawls around their waists.


Clothing for the people of Azerbaijan is not just simple clothing but also tells a thousand points about the ancient history and culture of the people of this region. The abundance of raw materials in this ancient land has led to the development of weaving with wool and silk. Women are more interested in silk or velvet clothes, and men often wear woolen fabrics. Young girls’ clothes have bright and cheerful colors decorated with jewelry, but older women wear clothes with soft colors and little embellishments. Of course, in aristocratic and wealthy families, most clothes, including Bork and vests are more decorated with coins. In the past, the clothes of most Azeri men were made of white shirts with sleeves and a round collar, but after 1314, their clothing gradually changed a lot.


Balooch clothes are from the original Iranian tribe’s clothing, which gives you a poetic feel. Balooch needlework is a delicate and long-standing art. The designs are exclusively geometric, which arise from the combination of lines and shapes. They are divided into several categories: plant motifs, cosmic motifs, and animal motifs. The clothing of Balooch men and women is simple and at the same time, beautiful and suitable for the hot climate of Baloochistan. Balooch men’s clothing usually includes a long shirt and baggy pants. the unique art of needlework is used in sewing and decorating women’s clothes, which is displayed on the chest, sleeves, and edges of the pants. Interestingly, what completes the beauty of Balooch women’s clothing is jewelry ornaments, which is also one of the traditional and original arts of the region. Balooch women attach great importance to jewelry.

Are you planning to travel to Iran? Check out our Iran tours and Iran nomads tour.

Adventure tours to Iran

Adventure Tours to Iran

Over 30 years of experience providing some of the best adventure tours to Iran and planning the best qualified itineraries has made Iran Doostan Tours the expert leading tour operator in the country. Whatever you desire, whether it’s skiing, trekking, climbing, biking, canyoning, bird watching or meeting nomads, we provide you. It’s your willingness to present yourself in the wilderness and to live inside a moment of adventure that creates the exotic nature experience that gives your life expectations. Just bring your spirit of adventure and our professional guides will take care of the rest.

Take nothing but pictures, Leave nothing but footprints, Kill nothing but time.

Green Carbon Free Foot Print

Mountain Biking

We provide some of the most amazing singles to multi-day mountain biking in Iran and combinational multi-activity guided tours both on and off the road. We have a wide range of routes and trails available to supply for any ability. The routes are available in forests, deserts, hillsides, and mountain trails.

While you pass through the scenic slopes of Alborz and Zagros mountains the nomad people welcome you with their traditional lifestyle and along your quiet green ride through desert and forest, you will enjoy nature and feel the extra love that mother earth sends to bikers. We supply top-range bikes and safety equipment to all of our customers.

Alborz and Zagros mountain biking, Iran

Trekking & Hiking

Iran’s mountains offer a great variety of scenery in the rocky gorges with sheer cliffs, valleys with rich orchards, alpine pastures covered with wildflowers, snow-capped summits, and lush forests. We provide affordable and sustainable Trekking and Hiking tours across the mountain ranges of Iran that are beneficial to locals based on ecotourism principles.

Meeting nomads and hospitable people to explore their customs and traditions inspires you to go after your dreams and expand the horizons of your soul.

Don’t watch your head, Watch your soul!

Adventure Tours to Iran - Trekking

Iran Doostan provides you affordable and sustainable Trekking and Hiking tours across the mountain ranges of Iran.

Adrenaline Adventures


From northern forests to the central and west mountains of Iran there are great canyons with or without water flow. We provide fully guided canyoning tours to Iran on all levels that make your adrenaline rush. Whether you are an experienced canyoner or not, our guides will support you entire the canyon route. All tours include canyoning equipment and gears.

Water Adventures

The Persian Gulf in the South, the Caspian Sea in the North, and wild rivers in Alborz and Zagros mountains are great places for water adventures in Iran.
The wide range of our water adventure tours includes Whitewater rafting, Kayaking, River trekking, Scuba diving, Snorkeling, and Water skiing. Our rafting tours are guided by world-class whitewater guides and supported by safety kayaks.

Caving & Spelunking

There are more than a hundred caves fully explored and to be explored that make us provide incredible guided caving tours in Iran. Half-day to multi-day tours are available with various levels from easy to advanced technical caving also for pitch dark crawlers and spirits who enjoy cave expeditions and spelunking there are many unexplored routes in new-found caves.
We provide safety, protection, and support gears. Our expert-trained guides will teach you techniques if you are eager for the underground world.

Alisadr water cave, Iran

Alisadr water cave, Iran

Wildlife Watching & Photography

Iran is a country with four seasons with special biodiversity due to climatic conditions and a vast central desert surrounded by high-altitude mountains. We offer guided tours to watch wildlife and visit the natural scenic beauties of protected areas including National parks and Wildlife refuges.

The wide range of our wildlife services includes Birdwatching, Butterfly watching, Desert wildlife, and special expert-guided tours exclusively designed for researchers and scientists.

Our wildlife photography tours are managed by experienced wildlife photographers to achieve the targets with a high success factor.


Iran UNESCO World Heritage Sites (list, photos, video)

If you are also a fan of places that have recorded their names in history, come on board! As a country with numerous world heritage sites, Iran is one of the top countries in the world. Moreover, Iran is home to 28 UNESCO World Heritage sites. The Hyrcanian forests and the Lut Desert are two of Iran’s Natural UNESCO world heritages. United Nations Cultural Organization registered Carvenserais as a World Cultural Heritage in 2023, and on July 27, 2024, Ecbatana was officially added to the World Heritage List, making the number of Iran’s world cultural heritages reach 28. Following that, the Esfahak Village in Tabas was named one of the best tourist villages for 2024 by the UN. Here, we will introduce you to ALL of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Iran.

Northern region


As one of the best sites in Iran, Soltaniyeh stands proud with its stunning turquoise-blue dome and octagonal architecture. In the 14th century, Soltaniyeh was the capital of the Ilkhanid dynasty in Zanjan province. This beautiful monument has exquisite architecture inside and outside and mesmerizes you with its huge size and gorgeous detailed decorations. Turquoise-blue tiles cover the exterior of the dome, making it appear huge and imposing. The dome is surrounded by eight slender minarets, but their function is unknown.

Golestan Palace

A fine example of Qajar architecture and Persian crafts, the Golestan Palace displays a successful fusion of Western influences. A precious gem in the heart of Tehran, it houses memories from the Safavid era through the Pahlavi era. Golestan Palace in Tehran is one of the most spectacular places you will visit during your travel to Iran. Besides Golestan Palace, you can also pay a visit to a nearby Zoorkhaneh, where a Pahlavani ritual takes place. Inscribed as a Pahlevani ritual by UNESCO, the ritual has been practiced for a long time.

Golestan Palace UNESCO

Golestan Palace in Tehran is one of the most spectacular places you will visit on your travel to Iran.

Persian Garden

The Persian garden, in many ways, resembles paradise on Earth. The general pattern of a Persian garden (Bostan) is a rectangular form consisting of four quarters abundant in trees and flowers. Persian gardens feature streams and pathways, ponds and fountains, usually a central pavilion, and the walls surrounding the garden. The Persian gardens are so remarkable that nine out of a wide variety are listed on the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Iranian gardens can be found in many cities throughout the country, such as the Fin Garden of Kashan, the Eram Garden of Shiraz, and so forth.

Rasht, City of Gastronomy

You can get easily get confused in choosing food while going to the good local restaurants in Rasht. There is a variety of local dish each has its unique taste. This variety of foods listed Rasht as a city of Gastronomy by UNESCO in 2015. One of the reasons for this decision is the creative combination of local and seasonal food with the local culture of the region. Rasht cuisine has been passed down from generation to generation not only in old recipes but also in cooking methods and the proper use of utensils. Therefore, in Rasht, as a creative city, we are faced with a unique food culture. Membership in the creative cities network makes a potential link between tourism, economic development, and gastronomy for Rasht.

North-Western Iran

Historic Bazaar of Tabriz

This famous historic bazaar is in the capital of East Azerbaijan province in Iran. It is the hugest lidded bazaar in the world. This site dates back almost one millennium ago. Also, during the 14th century, it thrived because of being on the Silk Road. During the Safavid dynasty, Tabriz became the capital of Iran, thus the market was the center point for trading and exportations. Jameh Mosque of Tabriz is on the western side of this complex. The Islamic architecture of this monumental bazaar makes the place very special for tourists. It has decorated arched roofs made of red bricks and clay with hallways full of stores selling traditional items and pastries of the Middle East.


Tabriz bazaar is not only a shopping center but also an architectural masterpiece.

Solomon Takht

Many believe this UNESCO world heritage in Iran was the birthplace of Zoroaster (an ancient Persian Prophet). Takht-e Soleyman is a mystical historical Iranian treasure and has played different roles throughout history. It used to be one of the most important religious centers during the Sassanid Empire. Further, there is a mysterious lake near the throne that has confounded experts for many years. This large lake is rumored to contain an ancient treasure that has been inaccessible for thousands of years.

Sheikh Safi al-Din Tomb

There are many parts to this complex, including the tombs of Sheikh Safi al-Din, the founder and leader of the Safavid order. The Safavid order was the base of Safavid rule during the 7th century. Also, Shah Ismail’s tomb, the first king of the Safavid dynasty, lies in this complex. A total of four yards make up the Sheikh Safi al-Din Khanegah and Shrine Ensemble: the garden yard (which is the largest), the big yard around which all of the main buildings are located, the small yard in between the big yard and garden yard, and the south yard.

Armenian Monastic

Armenian Monastic Ensembles consists of three Armenian churches, St. Thaddeus monastery and the Chapel of Dzordzor in West Azerbaijan and the St. Stepanos monastery in East Azerbaijan province. Different historical and natural incidents, such as wars and earthquakes, have affected these three monasteries. The churches have beautiful and eye-catching architecture and are famous among Iranian churches with unique features.

Armenian Monastic UNESCO

The second most important Armenian church in Iran

North-Eastern Iran

Hyrcanian Forest

Starting with the natural world heritage site of Iran, the Hyrcanian forest remained from Cenozoic geology and the Ice Age due to the northern temperate weather in the region. The Hyrcanian forests have been extended in some parts of five provinces, including Semnan, North Khorasan, Mazandaran, Golestan, and Gilan. These ancient broad-leaved forests date back around 25 to 50 million years ago and have survived the last stage of the ice age on Earth. Caspian shores are warm and humid, helping these plantations to survive. Many Persian tribes live in this region for its pleasant climate, among which are Turkmen who can make fascinating Turkmen-style needlework art, inscribed in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2022.

Trans-Iranian Railway

The Trans-Iranian railway recently has been inscribed in UNESCO as a long route connecting the Caspian Sea in the north to the Persian Gulf and the Oman Sea in the south of Iran. This is Iran’s first industrial heritage that has been recognized for its “outstanding universal value”. There is much more to the importance of the Iranian railway than connecting north and south in this vast country! It is considered a turning point in Iran’s history since its construction is regarded as the start of modernism and development in Iran during the past century.

Gonbad-e Qabus

You can find one of the tallest brick towers in the World in Golestan Province. Gonbad-e Qabus is an ancient monument that is one of the UNESCO world heritage sites. Passing through the silk road, this tower served as a sign so people could find their way. When visiting Iran, make sure to visit the Qabus dome and its amazing features. Another outstanding feature of Gonbad-e Qabus is its Kufic calligraphy around the structure. On your tour in Iran, you will see Kufic features in other structures, as well as, such as mosques.

UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Even though this architectural masterpiece is a tower, the name Gonbad-e Qabus means the dome of Qabus.

Esfahak Village

Esfahak Village, located in Iran’s South Khorasan province, is a 400-year-old settlement renowned for its traditional mud-brick architecture and rich cultural heritage. Although it has not been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site, Esfahak gained international recognition in November 2024 when it was named one of the Best Tourism Villages by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). This accolade highlights the village’s commitment to sustainable tourism and the preservation of its historical and cultural assets.

Central Iran

Isfahan Imam Square

Naghshe Jahan Square, also known as Imam Square, is a magnificent square filled with wonders and archeological masterpieces dating back to the Safavid Era. In this UNESCO World Heritage Site, there are great attractions around every corner, and there is a wide variety of shops offering the handicrafts and art of Isfahan. Isfahan is also famous for its art of Persian miniature and Persian carpet weaving which is inscribed in UNESCO as well. The silk carpet is among the high-quality handicrafts. UNESCO has inscribed Sericulture and traditional production of silk for weaving on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2022.

Isfahan Jameh Mosque

Jameh Mosque of Isfahan is one of the most outstanding works of architecture in Iran and one of the attractions of Isfahan. Since its different parts were built and repaired in different historical periods, the present collection is like a massive museum, representing the process of transformation and evolution of Iranian architecture in the Islamic period. The architecture of the mosque is a mixture of all Persian architectural arts. You will see Persian architectural beauty at every turn. There is a whole world of art inside the mosque when you take a closer look.

Yazd Meymand Village

Meymand troglodyte village is one of the few remained hand-dug rocky villages, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Kerman province, Iran. Meymand is also known as a Cultural Landscape that is a combination of men’s work and nature. The rocky texture of the village made it possible for families to live in cave-like houses for hundreds of years. One of the facts that make the cultural landscape of Meymand different from other villages is the villagers who still live in the caves.

Iran unesco heritage sites

Meymand and its hand-carved caves will take you to the days Iranians were worshipers of Mithra and mountains were sacred to them.



Having been the capital of Iran during Elamite, Susa embraces several architectural masterpieces that are quite eye-catching to every visitor. Chogha Zanbil Ziggurat is the greatest Ziggurat in the world and is a well-representative of Elamite art and architecture. This great construction has been registered on the UNESCO World Heritage List and attracts many tourists from around the world every year. Susa’s ancient ruins are considered one of the most important sites in Iran. Shush, today a UNESCO-designated city, once belonged to the Elamite, Persian, and Parthian empires.


Ecbatana, also known as Hegmataneh, is an ancient city located in western Iran. Ecbatana was inscribed on the Iran National Heritage List in 1310 SH, and in July 2024, it was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List, recognizing its cultural and historical significance.

Persian Qanat

Living in areas with no river is only possible if the water is transferred to the region in an inexpensive and uncomplicated way. The invention of Qanat was a brilliant solution to this matter. Qanat was born three millenniums ago in the deserts of Iran as the most effective technique for the best adaptation to arid areas. Qanats are tunnel systems that carry water from higher elevations to flatlands. The system consists of a series of vertical wells by a gentle slope connected to a horizontal duct. The creation of Qanat goes back to the 7th century BC in Iran, but during the Achaemenid Empire, it had a massive extension throughout the territory.


Uraman Takht’s Cultural Landscape is rich in traditional culture, ancient mountainous landscapes, and the Kurdish tribe living in the mountains, so it’s no surprise that it was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in June 2021. Uraman Takht might be an old village, but its scenery never fails to surprise any generation. From extraordinary architectural design to beautiful creations of nature. Planning a trip over to Uraman Takht will not disappoint you in any way. UNESCO likewise enlisted the traditional Iranian team sport, played on horseback, called Chogan, the inscription of which was discovered in Iran’s western region.

Iran unesco world heritage sites

Uraman Takht might be an old village, but its scenery never fails to surprise any generation.


The Shushtar hydraulic system, one of the oldest engineering masterpieces in Iran and the world, has been constructed as an economical-industrial complex in the vicinity of the Shushtar historical area, under Sassanid Empire. The work process of the Shushtar complex is based on the Gargar, which blocks the river flow and consequently raises the water level in order to dewater three tunnels dug in the rock.


A remarkable site in Kermanshah Province is the Bisotun complex which has been registered on the UNESCO World Heritage Site List. The complex includes monuments, rock reliefs, caravansaries, and bridges. Bear in mind that it holds one of the most famous yet tragic Persian love stories. The story of Farhad and Shirin belongs to this place. In 2002, Bisotoun was listed on World Heritage Sites for its age and construction. It was constructed almost four thousand years ago.

Southwestern Iran


Today Pasargadae is a world heritage site for being the center of power of the great and glorious Achaemenid dynasty, the first Persian kingdom, and their royal architecture. Cyrus the Great, the first king of the most multicultural empire in western Asia built Pasargadae with stunning “Four Gardens” that became the prototype for the Persian Garden’s architecture and design, another UNESCO world heritage site.


Persepolis is a must-see if you are planning a trip to Iran. In Persepolis, Persian history becomes alive. As you walk on the site, the gigantic columns, arches, and gates will tell you stories about a dynasty and its kings who were the protectors of humanity, regardless of one’s nationality. The Iranians highly praise and recognize this spectacular remnant of the Persian Empire as a major Iranian heritage. The beauty and splendor of Persepolis have attracted thousands of visitors throughout the years.

Shiraz unesco

Persepolis is a must-see if you are planning a trip to Iran. In Persepolis, Persian history becomes alive.

Sassanid archaeological landscape

The Sassanid Archaeological Landscape of the Fars Region includes the most valuable historical monuments in terms of, architectural and urban monuments development, palaces, forts, and reliefs related to the Sassanid empire. Sassanids constructed the most magnificent buildings in this region, and global statistics have shown that most historical places are recorded in this region.

South-Eastern Iran

Burnt City

The burnt city, full of strange and wonderful secrets, has been registered as a national monument. In the southeast of Iran, an ancient city burned down three times before being abandoned in 1800 BC. In case Shahr-e Sukhteh wasn’t on your Iran tour list, we strongly recommend you include it. Shahr-e Sukhteh is still wrapped in mystery and is under further study, but you can visit the remaining on your tour in Iran.


The Citadel of Bam or the largest brick citadel in the world exists. In the southeast of Iran, in the center of Bam city, the Arg-e Bam Cultural Complex is one of Iran’s most popular historical sites. Originally built in 400 BC by the Achaemenid Empire, this massive castle-like complex is one of the largest residences in the world today! Although it was severely damaged in the 2003 earthquake, it is still one of the most unique desert castles in the world. The only case to be regretted after traveling to Kerman would be a left or broke camera!

Lut Desert

UNESCO has listed Lut as one of Iran’s most fascinating deserts. Here was once considered the hottest place on the Earth’s surface that Nasa had ever registered. Almost no living thing can survive here; it is an abiotic zone. You can engage in many adventurous activities besides visiting the Lut desert, such as biking, camping, off-roading, and so on. Taking the risk and entering the desert will surely make you forget about the difficulties and leave you in awe of the shining stars and golden sands. There is also the possibility of seeing meteors here from time to time.

Iran Desert

Kavir-e Lut is a site of an extraordinary natural phenomenon that was also added to the UNESCO world heritage list in 2016.

Southern Iran

Qeshm Global Geopark

In the shape of a dolphin, Qeshm Island UNESCO Global Geopark sits within the vast mountain range of Zagros. The Qeshm Geopark is one of the unique Geoparks in the world, as it is the first Geopark of Iran and the only Geopark in the Middle East that enjoys more importance in terms of various geological phenomena, variety in phenomena such as ecology, monuments, environment, wildlife, etc., than the other Geoparks.

Bandar Abbas, City of Crafts

Although in Bandar Abbas, there are various cultural features such as seafood, Iranian folk music, handicrafts, and indigenous arts, handicrafts have become more important due to their antiquity. As a feature of this creative city, UNESCO registered handicrafts in 2018. Bandar Abbas handicrafts include three sections include functional handicrafts, local clothes, and local musical instruments. Oud, an ancient instrument, was recently inscribed in 2022 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Being selected among the UNESCO Creative Cities Network will make Bandar Abbas more valuable, and hopefully, there will be more tourists traveling to this city.

Are you planning to travel to Iran? Check out our Iran heritage tour.